my journey as a young mother; juggling between raising my two little terror, feeding my hubby with love and good food and climbing up the corporate ladder, the latter out of my own will
Thursday, 26 March 2009
Banana Cake
in our attempt to take more fruits and fibre in our food intake, i made this banana cake for 2 weeks in a row. yang ni buat malam tadi, keep it in airtight container and sliced bila2 terasa nak makan. banana cake ni juga kubekalkan untuk fahmi makan kat sekolah. i just want to get him to eat more healthy food sebab sekolah serve nasi jarang2 sekali. you see, my son ni lepas habis kindy class terus sambung kelas agama at the same school sampai pukul 2 petang. kelas agama ni is optional, thus student pun tak ramai, termasuk fahmi just 4 of them aja. morning break selalu sekolah bagi biskut or kuih, sesekali bihun goreng. for those staying for kelas agama they said they'd serve nasi tapi jarang sangat.
like yesterday i packed for him nasi goreng which he ate for lunch, while the banana cake he ate during morning break. i packed extra for him so that he can share with his friends. the day before kakak made toasted slice bread kepit cheese for him. sometimes dia bawa nasi lemak without sambal of course or mee goreng. kalau time kekeringan idea sangat bagi je dia bawa roti krim.
hubby terlebih2 pulak beli pisang masak ranum terus beli sekali 2 sisir pisang muda. daripada membazir aku buatlah masak lemak pisang muda. pernah makan? sedap tau. so makan nasi malam ni terasa macam makan healthy food sesangat, konon! ada lagi satu sisir pisang nangka muda. yang ni boleh buat pengat, tapi kalau rasa tak lalu nak belasah pisang based food je tetiap hari peram jelah sampai kekuningan skit buat pisang goreng. tak gitu? :-)