Friday 4 May 2007

Craving For...

craving for food! macam orang pregnant plak teringin nak makan itu ini. i blame it all on pms... heheh usually i wud crave for chocolates, but this time i crave for:

1. fish… not just any fish but dory fish. Rasa terliur jer nak makan grill fish. So last week I ask hubby to buy frozen dory at carefour subang jaya. he bought back 2 packs of 6pcs dory fillet… amboiiii perli ke? Thought of cooking them for dinner khamis malam lepas, but I was sooo furious over something that happen at office, spoil mood orang jer (another pms symptom i guess). kesian kat hubby.

so, jumaat malam lepas hubby takde, i asked bibik not to cook nasi banyak, just enough for the kids. for myself... ehemm dory lah.

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dapatlah makan 1/2 keping jer fish, carrot dengan kentang… the rest my 2 little kittens kerjakan habis-habisan… ummm yummm yummm yummm lepas makan, yaya terlantar on my lap. while cooking the fish, she already had her nasi. tapi si kecik ni selera dia besar, nak jugak makan fish, kalau makan sikit takpe jugak, nahhh akibatnya malam tu dia terlantar on my lap sambil mengadu “mama, akit puwut” ya Allah keras giler perut dia… *lol*

2. i crave for "udang merah" heheheee udang kalau dah masak sure will turn red kan? i'm not talking about ordinary udang but durian "udang merah". uhhh sedapnya durian ni, manis ... i dun like jenis yang pahit2 tu. last night gave hubby a hint to buy the durian, honestly i dunno how to choose the gud one, hubby's the expert, maklumlah org ada pokok durian belakang rumah. unlike me, bukak pintu belakang ada longkang...heee. hubby said i shudnt be eating durian masa tengah selsema & batuk but i told hubby "takpe buat ubat.." :)

see... bukan mama jer yang suka "udang merah"

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asyik dok melayan selera makan ni, i just realised that i've put on weight! ughhh diet diet diet! ermmm rasa nak makan fish n chips pulak ... hehe

1 comment:

  1. Laa makcik Wa apsal nak diet plak..ko tuh dah kurus elok ler tambah daging skit..
