Thursday 3 May 2007

Entertaining The Kids Day

it has been quite sometime since my last entry. dah start jadik malas lah tu…hehe
actually a lot of thing happens during those silent time. a cousin (my dad’s side) that I’ve never seen since 20yrs ago passed away on 24apr, drove my parents from seremban to banting to attend the funeral, send them back to seremban and me drove back to subang, all on the same day. fuhhh exhausted. went back to work the next day. and the day after had to faced another office conflict, ughhh *&^%$#@!!?* something I can do without.

come Friday, hubby went on with his trip back to his kampung, alone… what I thought would be a short trip well 2 days the most become an extended trip. he’s been gone for 5days 4 nights altogether. never been without hubby that long, not even during his heavy outstation days masa mula2 kawin dulu. the problem with me is kalau hubby takde I feel like half of me is gone… start lah takde selera makan, tidur pun tak lena, bukan setakat tak lena, tak boleh tidur langsung sebenarnya! so the result of 4 sleepless nights is demam selsema!!! eeiii geram… yaya pun sama demam selsema, I told hubby yaya demam sebab rindu kat daddy, purposely said that to make him feel bad leaving us for sooo long. he’s back anyway, on Tuesday.

so yesterday, was the entertaining the kids day. sebab selalunya weekend we would take the kids for an outing. last weekend hubby not around, mama pun takde mood, fahmi &yaya tak dapat outing. daddy dah balik dapatlah fahmi & yaya pergi jalan2. woke up late Wednesday morning, qada’ balik tak bleh tidur 4 malam. terus siap2 pack beg mickey mouse fahmi with all the necessary stuff i.e. pampers, baby wipes, extra baju, camera, drinking water, at 10.30am we were already heading towards taman jaya putra station. parked our car there, bought two-way tickets to kl sentral.

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fahmi was so excited about taking a train, yaya plak takut sampai menangis2 sebab she heard bunyi lrt tapi cudnt see any, she was a bit confused.

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fahmi had so many question about siapa yang bawa the train, so hubby had to do a lot of explanation to him.

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from kl sentral we had to walk for about 500m to take another train heading towards berjaya times square. aduiii penat berjalan plus hari panas, we should have gone out earlier but yesterday memang panas terik. fahmi pulak asyik tanya daddy “mana car kita?” I guess dia pun tak tahan panas plus penat berjalan kaki. sampai kat imbi station, we all turun, take a short walk coz this station terus sambung masuk ke berjaya times square. huhu malu nak admit, tapi itulah 1st time jejak kaki ke bts.

we went straight to 7th floor, masuk ke cosmo theme park, paid rm62 for 2 adult tickets and 1 child ticket, yaya enter for free coz she is below 3ft height… heheh. so those who have a 2yr old kid tapi tinggi… heheh get ready jelah to pay rm15, dun argue with the girl at the ticket counter. the kids had a fun time despite mama rasa tak sedap badan plus yaya rasa suam2 jer badan dia. we only gets to take 4 rides, every single game ada minimum height, yaya didn’t pass for most of it. walaupun fahmi pass for more than 4 games but he has to be accompanied, when it comes to that hubby plak ter'over' qualified for the max height. ughhh...

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naik train lagi... train ni lalu ke satu tunnel yang gelap. kat dalam tunnel tu everything in white even your shirt will glow. ada spiderweb and big fake spiders kat tepi2 tunnel tu, fahmi was so scared of the spiders.

after we finished our 4th ride, badan yaya makin panas, she must be tired she fall asleep atas bahu hubby.

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so we decided its time to go home… huh sekejap jer kat situ about 1 hr plus. fahmi start throwing tantrums coz he doesn’t want to leave yet. by 2pm we were already out of the place.

penat sebab badan sakit2... uhh tak suka selsema :(

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