Monday 18 June 2007

Love At First Sight

I know its not the right time for us to buy/invest on a property. but I fall in love at first sight with this house. God I wish the house is mine!

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at a first glance it may look like an ordinary house just like other houses. but once inside I realized the house is almost 80% like my dream house which is good enough for me (if I put myself on the small town-girl with low expectation & easy maintenance hat). the hall had enough space to placed a proper sofa set, and the kitchen… gosh it is so spacious, i I can have a breakfast stool built and can still have enough space to move around in the kitchen… am gonna do a lot of cooking in this kitchen wink wink.

The master bedroom have enough space for a proper wardrobe to be built in, the en suite bathroom – we can either install a glass cubicle or install a bathtub, and the tile work… very very nice! The other 2 bedroom comes with attached bathroom (sharing of course)… already I can visualise my children running around the bathroom crossing from one room to another.

What’s more… we can have our own family room upstairs… a nice cosy time watching movie or light reading… a space far from the formal ambience of a main hall.

reasons not to miss this chance:

1.lot size 22'x75' (tak dapat 24'x80' mcm kat BJ, yg ini pun cukuplah... wink wink kat sally)
2. 4 bedrooms & 3 bathrooms
3. family room on upper floor
4. ceramic tiles finishing for all rooms
5. wide car porch to accomodates 2 cars parked side by side (sesuai sgt dah tu utk honda & kancil)
6. underground cabling
7. concealed drains (yes it does look neat kat luar sana)
8. free security alarm system
9. free motion detector light
10. automatic main gate (ada gate sampingan utk orang keluar masuk lagi)
11. not far from where i work right now & tak jauh juga dari tempat tinggal sekarang (tak lah rasa perubahan besar sgt)
12. lanscaped park in every block (fahmi dah mula tergila2kan taman permainan kat situ... had to drag him in to the car)

Now am drooling over the thoughts of living in my dreamhouse. And who’s fault is that? Hubby lah ni… yesterday we had another ‘blackout’. Boring duduk rumah after asar prayer we went out in the car just for a sight seeing. Hubby suggest we went to see the newly launch property at spk cahaya but we came across sunway kayangan junction. Before hubby had been tempting me with stories about betapa bestnya duduk kat sunway kayangan. I was never tempted… a secluded area like that? A big no no for me. Heheh bila dah tengok sendiri meleleh air liur, tido malam pun terbayang-bayang.

told hubby we should sell our house at sungai kapar indah, klang and buy this house at sunway kayangan. mmmm… tapi mana nak carik down payment nih? Ughhh gigit jari kaki je lah… ohhhh tidakkk!!!

err... have I mention that the extra bathroom at ground floor is much much bigger than the bathroom we are using right now?
... oohhhh tidakkkk!!!


  1. heh u're not the one looking forward for a new/2nd house... :)
    last week dbkl ada buat pameran hartanah x pegi ke?
    i ada bwk balik loads of brochure/pamplet..hubby lah suruh...penat je bwk balik dia kata sume x bekenan...
    still ada kt rumah tu kalo lia nk tgk?? :)

  2. mengapa nama i ada kat situ? heheh...hubby i skarang tengah dreaming of a house kat lagenda BJ (26x100 lagi tu...)

    wah, dah ada auto gate and and alarm. u can save a lot there. almost $5000 of savings tu...

  3. azie: muahah azie klu umah kat tgh kl tu tak mampu den... klu cuci mata tu bleh jugaklah tgk2 brochure... aduhhh malu sehh

    psttt bila nak update fotopages lg? hati dah tergedik2 nak tgk koleksi songket baru... songket tahun lps pun x buat baju lgi...hihi

    eiseai: oittt org nak kejar 24x80 pun semput, dia dah mimpi2 26x100 plak... uwaaaaa

  4. huhu kalo tgh kl 7 keturunan pun xabis byr..actually kt pinggir2 kl ada byk...
    hubby dia xnak sbb leasehold..kat area sg buloh-kota damansara-bukit jalil teres byk.. :)

    p/s..songket ada..nnt upload.. :D

  5. azie: kat area shah alam ni BJ je yg freehold, lain sumer leasehold. i mmg xmo leasehold tu yg mula2 benci, tp bila dah tgk jatuh cinta dibuatnya. tu secara x sengaja tau, klu tgk financial blom ready lg.
    eh kota dsara yg under pkns pun l/hold jugak. dah selesa duk kat shah alam ler azie... keje pun kat cni.

  6. Kak Lia, me too, love your dream house...cantik la walaupun baru tengok luar je..dah puas hati...
    kat mana ni?

  7. ezrina: menghala ke puncak alam... x jauh gak dr bukit jelutong... hehe... adoiii tiap2 kali ckp psl umah ni telan air liur pun terasa masin erin :(

  8. nice house
    nampak sejok mata memandang
    nanti beli bleh buat house warming ye...hehehhe.....

