Monday 16 July 2007

Hectic Monday

it was a hectic day for me. baru jer masuk lift ofis my hp dah berdering2... i ignore it. i really hate to go panic when the phone ringing... some people maybe dah teraba2 cari phone but me... lantak ko ler nak berbunyi.
once i'm safely inside my office, i checked the missed calls list. it was my chairman who's been buzzing me. gulp! apa dia nak pepagi buta ni? return his call... obviously he wants some updates regarding the domestic inquiry case i'm handling, well of course i dun handle these cases directly, i let the right people to manage them. huh pagi2 dah cakap pasal DI... sungguh tidak menyelerakan!
and then another call from 'him' at about 10am. he delivered a shocking news about one crew vessel who was reported lost when he jumped out from the vessel in to the waters. my task is to form an emergency response team to attend to this matter. which i did manage to gathered a few senior people from various background. prepared an immediate action plan and get the people on the move. sadly, walaupun segala usaha humanly possible to arrange, the body still not recovered sehingga sekarang.
what a sad day...
what a day...

1 comment:

  1. sabar lia....

    iLa lagik terrible.....
    keje yang tertanggoh tak buat2..keje current plak kena siapkan cepat..aiyooooo
