Tuesday 11 September 2007

Migrain Attacks

i had another bout of migrain this morning. saki baki of the attack last night. oh yes the throbbing head malam tadi, sebenarnya was an aura of migrain. it turned into a full migrain attack 10mins after i switch of the computer. the throbbing followed by nausea and rasa sakit on the right side of my head. my right eye rasa macam nak terkeluar from its socket. i quickly get my Cafergot supply, i've been carrying it inside my handbag for the past 4 months, that is ever since the attack returns after more than 3 years disappear from my life.

it took sometime for the pain killer to work its way. my limbs felt numb, although the pain killer buat bahagian muka sebelah kanan rasa kebas, but my eye still hurts, and my head felt heavy. i had to lie down on my left, any movement would sent the pain right to my head. alhamdulillah after lying down quitely for i'm not so sure how long, the pain goes away.

i hate to take the pain killer sebenarnya. because the after effect irritates me. aku jadi alert, jadi cergas dan hilang mengantuk, when i should be resting and sleep.

like i said, i haven't had the attack for more than 3 years. the last attack was when i was carrying fahmi. i was totally freed from migrain or headache after i gave birth to fahmi. i don't know why or how, hanya Allah swt saja yang tahu. i used to carry cafergot inside my purse, but once i'm freed from migrain, i've get rid of them. last 4 months when i my 1st attack returns, i had to makesure that i'm not short of supply.

i've yet to find out why. that's why i made a visit to see my doctor today. she took some blood sample for blood test to see if the migrain have any correlation to hormonal changes.

dulu-dulu i'd stay away from taking or exposing myself to any risk of attack. chocolates, cheese, caffein, anything too salty or sour, too strong scented perfumes, loud sounds, hot weather mahupun cahaya terlalu terang mudah sangat invite the attack. and also pressure.

the attack that i had last 4 months wasn't the worse one despite causing sebelah mataku temporarily blind. i had the worse attack in my life while taking my history paper for stpm. had to think and write the answers dengan kepala yang sakit and one eye went blind. that explains why i got a C for my history paper! :-<

but now i'm not too sure why i started to have the attack semula. seems like i had to start taking notes whenever i have the attack.

note: both fahmi & yaya masih selsema & batuk, though not as bad as 3 days before. last night they fell asleep far too early. yaya woke up right at the struck of midnight, and refuse to go to sleep. she insisted to be accompanied by Mummy, the new version of Mama that she picked up while i explained to her that there are many other version of mother but it all has the same meaning. despite my headache, i could only sleep after she felt tired and went to sleep. by that time, it was already 2.33am.


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