Sunday 21 October 2007

Sold Out!

puas hati sesangat buat makan2 kali ni. food sumer habis... thanks to all guests yang turn up.
honestly, it wasn't a well planned makan2. few days back hubby did ask whether we are going to hold a open house again like last year... i gave him a non-committal answer.
til a couple of days ago i still wasn't sure about the makan2 event. that's why the invitation came very late. thank you for those came for the makan2. and i wish to apologise to others who didn't get the invitation, would love to have all but due to time constraint & persiapan kurang sempurna tak dapat nak jemput semua.

it was a small makan2 anyway... small pun korban juga 4 ekor ayam. oh to those yang datang tu, just to let you know that ayam masak merah tu i guna ayam organik... hehe promo free. masak satu periuk sedang dalca sayur, 18 pot beras nasi beriani, acar mentah, 1/2 kilo daging rendang campak2 & setalam lasagna.
lain2 tu, kek lapis asam manis & my signature dish, carrot cake. beli lemang 4 batang tapi berbaki 2 batang... okaylah tu janji lain2 habis. alhamdulillah.

alhamdulillah sangat2 sebab makan2 kali ni dapat mempertemukan aku dengan kenalan lama yang tak pernah bersua muka. bayangkan dah lebih 5 years kawan tak pernah jumpa. thank you az for coming, and thousands apology sebab tak sempat borak panjang.

pics? seperti biasa, aku yang kalut ni lupa terus pasal nak snap pics, ada ke patut?

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket
dah abis dahhh
Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket
tuan rumah kikis2 dapatlah isi perut skit, ni dah kol 6pm


  1. Kak lia,

    thanks yer invite kitaorg....ur food very yummy la..pandai btul masak....

    but.....lupa tul nak ambik bwk...dok peram dlm beg..

  2. sedih nya tak dpt dtg.

    kitorg raya rumah sebelah je semalam. itu pun kelam kabut nak handle 3 org...

  3. sally,
    we (me, watie & nina) thought of visiting you, a surprise visit tapi takut tuan rumah kelam kabut nnti... :-)

  4. kak lia, sorry tak dpt nak attend...sedaraku ada dirumah lah...nak tinggal sian pulak...sori yer... :(

  5. nye mknn home made..
    sorry lia..ada tetamu dtg...ehh nk gi kak js jugak..jomla konvoi..hehehe..

  6. ish.. cam kempunan je tgk lauk-pauk nih.. last minit.. cousin² ku terjah.. org tgh bersiap.. potong stim betullah!!! sorry ek lia.. nanti jgn serik invite lagi..

  7. liza, bertenet dari umah PIL lagi ke? heheh keje eh?
    lain kali bawa semua2 cousin tu terjah umah ku... ;-)
