Saturday 24 November 2007

Bali Day 1

eventhough we had 5 months to prepare for this trip, we havent done much other than browsing and making list for halal restaurants and booked the hotel which was done to the last minute walaupun sebenarnya dah berbulan buat decision where to stay.

there were just a few number of places we visited in bali, well maybe i exaggerate a bit because honestly there was only one place that we went to and enjoyed our time as a family, yang lain2 tu mama je yang syok sendiri bershopping. but there were a lot of photos taken as a memento.

Bali Day 1 (departure & arrival)
20 nov 2007

since our flight will be taking off at 10.25am on 20nov, we decided to stay overnight at my sis home at klia quarters. it will save us the hassle and traffic jam in the early morning of a working day. arrived at lcct sharp at 9am, we proceed to the check in counter and realised that we were late. it was a very long queue, by the time we got the boarding pass it was already 10am. we then proceed to the departure hall and was met with another long queue... uihhh ramainya yang pergi bali pagi tu.
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look at our lugagge, 1 beg besar and 1 beg sandang with pampers, towel, baby wipes and susu for immediate use dalam flight. thanks sally for the tips ;)

it was the first time we took the kids for a long journey on board the flight. i prayed hard that they wouldnt make so much fuss on board, alhamdulillah yaya fall asleep before the flight took off, i am grateful for that because she just couldnt stop crying or jumping on her seat and merengek nak duduk dengan daddy. apparently everyone wants to seat with daddy and nobody wants to sit with mama... mama dah tumbuh tanduk ke sekarang ni?

we safely arrive ngurah rai airport at 1.20pm. i hate the landing part so much, penat control myself not to vomit or pening throughout the 3 hours journey, tetiba part landing tu betul2 buat rasa nak ter'kantoi'. hilang mood. the screening part at the immigration check point was smooth. i regret for not asking the hotel to arrange for pick up, because we were sort of blur bukan sebab tak tau or takde cab service tapi sebab rasa macam was2 jer. plus that when the cab service quoted us rp85,000 we sort of telan air liur for a minute or two and had to quickly make a conversion of that amount to myr just to check if they were charging us reasonable fare. silly huh?

at diwangkara holiday villa, sanur we received warm greeting from the hotel in form of fast check in, face towel and fresh fruits. when i first book the room at this hotel i didn't realised that the superior garden villa comes with a combination of garden view and sea view. it had a verandah facing straight to the pool and sea. and right before we enter the room we were greeted by a small adjoining room complete with a day bed... kalau nak ikutkan the room can accomodate 4 adults at one time. and the hotel's restaurant (the only one offers halal food) located dekat depan our room.

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pintu depan room #101
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hubby baik hati bagi tip kat budak hotel yang carry our luggage to the room... nak tau berapa tip tu? rp3,000... sounds a big amount to us right? but what is the value of rm1.50? aduiii pecah perut aku ketawa... malu nak jumpa budak tu lagi, nasib til the day we checked out dengan bayang dia pun kami tak serempak.

perut terasa lapar, makan buah jer mana cukup so we went to the restaurant. hmm tengok menu semuanya Malaysian food... haha rasa nak gelak jer betullah all the comments that i read from one of the website about this hotel.

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comel kan... ni tengah control tahan lapar. bila makanan sampai habis meja pun dia nak panjat!
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tahan lapar gak ni
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ni lagi lapar sampai baring atas meja

apapun we are grateful that the hotel provides halal food yang sememangnya susah nak cari untuk orang yang baru first time jejak bali macam kami. the list that i made earlier doesn't help much, all the places in the list were scattered all over bali, very little kat area sanur. but we made our own discovery on our 3rd day here.

malam lepas maghrib we thought off walking down the road konon nak mencari McD that we saw on the way ke hotel siang tadi. tapi bila jumpa banyak sangat anjing berkeliaran sepanjang jalan, anak2 pulak ketakutan, we decided to turn back to the hotel and had our dinner at the hotel instead. but before that we manage to let the hotel know that we'd like to have a private tour to the elephant safari on the next day.

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