Tuesday 13 November 2007

Family Photo

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this is one of our Hari Raya photos taken at the photo studio in seremban. i've just collected it last thursday, scanned it but unable to upload to photobucket earlier due to slow server connection.
the people at the studio must have done some touch up work on my face as it appears flawless. tu bukan keje make up tau sebab aku ni tak reti bermekap. yang peliknya yaya kalau disuruh senyum mesti mata jadi sepet, bila disuruh buka mata senyum plak jadi semacam je. fahmi try to maintain 'macho'... hmmm gigi tu kurang comey skit
dah dapat framed kan gambar besar2 dah tak tau nak letak mana plak.


  1. nice photo. everyone look so nice. cik bekeng kita look so sweet :)

  2. haha cik bekeng jadik cik mulut senget... nasib photo tak bleh bercakap!

  3. Wa, ko ambik gambar kat kedai yg sebelah ngan seremban in tu yer..?

  4. heheh kek mano laie cik shida... dulu kini dan selamanya, foto moden sblh seremban inn tu lah... bagus tokey tu layan baik punya, ms pick up siap hantar kat kete lagi, kete plak parking nun seberang jalan...

  5. mmg da best kodai tuh..aku pun ambik gmbar convo satu family kat situ..mmg da best gambarnye
