Sunday 24 February 2008

Homemade Beef Burger

we had homemade beef burger for breakfast this morning. hubby likes to have his homemade beef burger once in a while for breakfast.made of mince meat with plenty of ground pepper and a dash of ground basil, salt to taste and 2 tbsp of egg (beaten) so that the meat sticks together. shape and freeze overnight before use.

i gave fahmi & yaya a new haircut yesterday. yaya's hair is now 2 inches short, she look different, no longer will she look like a furious lion (dengan rambut ikal kembangnya itu). and fahmi with his new hair cut, i suspected that soon he would be furious with mama when he realised that he could no longer style his hair macam 'penyanyi hong kong' ( a term we use to describe his rambut terpacak). his hair is short, i didn't keep extra length on top to be styled. he'd soon find out... ;-)

we (me & hubby) planned to go out for a dinner last night, just the 2 of us. something that we do once in a while, away from the children. fahmi fell asleep right after maghrib, that makes our plan even easier. but yaya already had a nap in the afternoon; she was still bright and lively and demanding us to take her with us. the fact that her abang had already fallen asleep, she would be left with no one to play with, it makes her demand ferociously. she wouldn't take any reason. she won the battle. we went to chili's at bangsar.

just the 3 of us


  1. bole buat cooking class for me tak ? sedapnyer laa ..
    Chili' of my fav tuh..bila plak nak belanja aku nie ...?

  2. shida,
    slalu org gi cooking class ni org dah nak naik pelamin... hehehe
    sure boleh punya... siapkan bahan2 ye, nnti cikgu datang.

  3. so lucky daddy & mama all to herself. fahmi tak bangun ke?

  4. fahmi slept like a log. jaga x jaga pun dah pagi... huhu. yaya on d way back lps snap pic terus tergolek kat seat blakang. bestnyer lah klu dapat mcm ni selalu

  5. hi...salwa,long time no see,best ek wa nya masakan..leh la ajar nanti

  6. hi dewiputra...
    kenalkan lah diri & visit blog ni selalu ye ;-)

  7. hehe...takpe kasi wa can teka sapa kite...1 skolah,1 bas,1 taman...sorrylah kite takde blog....kite ade ble free surely kite visit web ni...k ..adios!

  8. try this link and you'll know me better

