Sunday 9 March 2008

Kalau nak tidur, tidurlah mata

Urghhh pedihnya mata. my eyes are so tired tapi otakku masih mau berjalan. kalau ikutkan harus aja aku tidur sambil menaip entry ni. hujung minggu begini patut merehatkan diri. but what did i do last night? bersengkang mata sampai ke pagi.

apa ke halnya? beginilah cerita ceritinya. i made chicken pie yesterday, at mum's house. my oven dah totally out since the last time i used it for rosemary roasted chicken. kebetulan balik rumah my mum, (saya register mengundi di kampung halaman...rugi!!) so godek2 lah oven dan terhasillah chicken pie. this is my first experiment, guna resipi from the internet. alhamdulillah menjadi! i prepared them to munch belah2 petang ke malam sambil tengok keputusan pru12. buat awal sangat, habis kena bedal.

i'm so excited about the pru12 thing, it was a very interesting result. dan hasil bersengkang mata sampai ke jam 3 pagi (dah tak boleh lelap mata sebenarnya coz it is past my usual sleeping time or maybe i was grinning too much kot?), nah padan muka sendiri mataku lebam!

tengok keputusan pru12 for penang, kedah & perak aja dah buat aku keep on muttering oh my god! suka dalam terkejut. dalam hati berdebar2 tunggu result selangor of which full result cuma dapat lihat dalam paper pagi ni.
i expect(hope) for satu perubahan, but i didn't expect such a big wave(wind) of change
malaysians have certainly made their choice
rasanya kali ini rakyat benar2 menggunakan kuasa & hak mereka untuk bersuara through the vote that they cast yesterday, this is how it should be all this while
this time around they are sending a message to all leaders (regardless of apa flag yg mereka bawa) jangan mempermainkan rakyat
i am truly proud to be able to see all this in my life... (we are talking about malaysia) it could be a once in a lifetime experience.
ummm...chicken pie memang sedap dimakan saat2 ini! :-)
mata lebam pun takpelah...


  1. pun xsabar nk tgk sejauh mana angin perubahan ni akan pergi..dan stakat mana janji2 pkr akan kotakan...just wait n see..hehe

  2. i think in most places (& case) it's not that the people really 'beleive' or 'taken in' by the vows & promises made by the opposition. it is just that they are showing their protest againts the national front.
    apapun, the peoples are watching! ;-)

  3. suka tengok perubahan yg berlaku...sgt sukewwww..sekali sekala tukar apa salahnyer...:)
