Saturday 31 May 2008

Cooking Marathon

today is my working saturday. tugas pergi market yang selalunya hubby buat bila i'm working on saturday terpaksa ku takeover today coz he had to take fahmi to see the doctor & right after that shoot to klia to run some errands. jadinya, today i pergi market after work lah which i don't quite like sebab by that time banyak ikan2 yang fresh dah disapu orang lain. dan sebab dah kehabisan stok barang makan, lunch tadi i asked my maid to cook fried rice jelah untuk alas perut anak2. nak tunggu mama balik jawabnya minum petang jelah. dan sebab kena pergi market tengahari maka rancangan memasak terpaksa ditunda ke sebelah petang.

ok lets talk about fahmi first before i proceed with the subject of this entry. our whole schedule jadi kelam kabut sikit today disebabkan 'tuan muda' fahmi ada masalah nak urinate. tetiba malam tadi dia mengerang kesakitan. pedih katanya... ku perasan tengahari semalam masa balik for friday break dia duduk kat tepi pintu rumah sambil terkepit2 dengan bintik2 peluh jantan atas batang hidung dia yang kemek tu. bila kuajak dia masuk, dia berjalan perlahan terkepit2. peliklah pulak tapi memang semalam dia tak terkinja2 macam selalu. malam tadi jugak kami nak bawa pi jumpa doktor tapi bila kami dah bersiap rupa2nya fahmi dah tertidur atas sofa.

tengah malam tadi dia terjaga nak pee, baru je keluar sikit dah menangis2 terus tak jadi pee. so pagi2 ni hubby bawa dia pi ER, sjmc. sejak kes yaya demam tempohari, kami hentam pi serbu ER je, tak kuasa nak buat appointment dengan paed. buat urine test & sah fahmi kena bacteria infection. dapat antibiotic & was advised to drink plenty of water. alhamdulillah setakat petang tadi dah kurang sakit bila pee. cuma doc kata kalau berulang lagi, fahmi kena circumcised awal.

ok now back to my cooking marathon or hubby gelar 'balas dendam' coz today i made mince chicken rolls for tea time which was ready on the table by the time other people would have their dinner and followed by mushroom soup and grilled salmon for dinner. uhhh memang marathon pun sebab siap jer sausage roll terus sambung masak soup. by the time soup siap azam maghrib pun berkumandang. siap je dinner terus rasa mengantuk & penat sesangat macam nak demam pulak.

i wanted to try out the silicone made muffin tray diterbangkan khas dari perth (transit singapore) courtesy from madam lemongrass, tapi dah penat sesangat. esok nak ke linggi, n9 attend engagement my best friend. so rasa2nya muffin tray tu hanya boleh dirasmikan after we come back from our short holiday. ;-)

grilled salmon tak yah tempek pic lah coz dah ada kat entry lama.


Mushroom Soup (half recipe)

50gm white button mushroom (klu takde button m/room ku bantai je portobello ke hapa)
50gm black jelly mushroom
50gm oyster mushroom
30gm carrot (diced)
2 sticks celery (sliced)
3 cloves garlic (crushed)
1 onion (diced)
2 tbsp flour
750litre chicken stock
1 cup cooking cream (boleh subsititute with milk tapi cair le)
a pinch of salt
a pinch of ground pepper
a pinch og ground blackpepper (kalau suka)

Preheat olive oil, sautee onion, garlic, carrot & celery sampai layu. Add in sliced mushroom (all 3 types). Followed by flour, mix well for 2 mins, then pour in the chicken stock, let it simmer for 5 mins or so. Let it cool before blend the mixture & sieved. return to stove, add in cream, salt & pepper, let it simmer and ready to serve.

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