Friday 2 May 2008

Go Italian

hubby baru balik from outstation so masak special lah skit. hehe macam lah special sangat buat pizza tapi coz yang ini air tangan sendiri so kira special lah ye. lagipun coz we get to decide apa topping yang kita suka and boleh letak sebanyak mana yang suka with no extra charge! ;-)

sebab buat sendiri so campaklah grated cheese bertimbun-timbun macam bukit sampai tak nampak topping lain... hehe ni hubby punya kerja.

ni khas untuk incik pairzal yang suka kata aku masak makanan omputih jer. sapa cakap? ni aku buat pizza 'orang melayu' khas untuk 'tatapan' ko. topping dia letak sardin & eggplant. in fact kalau nak kasik lagi kuat aura melayu, sos tomato tu boleh ganti dengan sambal belacan! sure resdung, beb!!!

pizza east meets west. jangan salahkan aku kalau ko tak jumpa carik eggplant a.k.a terung tu. cheese hangus dah dominate pizza aku hehe

cooking can be a real fun bila anak-beranak gotong royong siapkan pizza nih... heheh


  1. salam lia

    wa...beshnya pizza..lama tak buat..

  2. this reminds me of my childhood. my mom used to make loads and loads of pizza dough and we'd decorate with everything we liked. kalau ada party je, pizza is top on the list.

    have to start this tradition with my family. nanti...nanti...wait till si kecik besar skit. dah plan so many things to masak2...

  3. stomach start singing a lullaby..nice knowing u..jemput ke blog saya ye...

  4. hi ct, jauh bertandang dari edinburgh ke shah alam ye? dah drop by blog ct tadi, teruja tgk kek lapis. hebat!

    sally, its good to have a tradition; one that u passed on to the next generation. i don't really have any... but will find & start one ;-)

    hi ruzana,
    thanks 4 dropping by. nice blog u have & very tempting too... macam tau2 jer kita suka shopping baju anak2 ;-)

  5. mak ai pizza kak lia .... sgt2 menggodaaaaa ;-)

  6. ishk..Lia...aper kata ko datang melawat aku bawak piza neih sekali ehheheheh

  7. pizza cheese rentung lah diana...hehe

    oittt mok cik nolie ni dah lama menyeru... aku anto pizza domino jelah...terjamin ke'fresh'annya
