Sunday 8 June 2008

Fish 'N Chips

yesterday's lunch was salad, mushroom soup (again! ni kes nak habiskan stock mushroom dalam fridge) eaten with garlic bread for appetiser & fish 'n chips served with mayonis and baked potato wedges.

sebelah petang pulak i made butter cake... again sebab ada permintaan daripada fahmi yang mengamuk2 sebab butter cake that i made yesterday habis dimakan farah. amazing sebab before cameron highlands trip nobody cares about butter cake tapi lepas masing2 hirup boh tea sambil makan butter cake it become a hit pulak. mangsanya, mama kena buat butter cake 2 hari berturut2... hehe my pleasure. i topped the butter cake with lemon curd yang dah 2 bulan dok dalam fridge... ada juga gunanya lemon curd tu ye.
i made them extra special for the kids, i baked them dalam love-shape silicone mould courtesy of madam lemongrass. tengok tu the cakes popping out from the mould. yaya had hers with my homemade strawberry jam. the rest i baked dalam loyang bulat jer untuk seisi keluarga.

sambil2 prepare lunch tengahari semalam, sempatlah buat strawberry jam. ni mix of cameron highlands sour strawberry dengan driscoll's (californian) strawberry (yang debab2 tu). sangat2 mengecewakan sebab driscoll's strawberry musim kali ni tak manis macam tahun lepas... *sigh*. last year strawberry tu semua habis dimakan begitu aja tapi this year semua berakhir dengan jam.
merah gelap warnanya tapi rasa tak manis pun...


  1. hi Lia,
    ok ke pakai the silicone mould? senang ke nak keluarkan the cakes? I ada yg bear shaped but sometimes susah jugak nak dpt the whole bear shape cantik aje terkeluar without pecah2.

  2. 1 out of 6 tu melekat... hehe tampal je semula... the kids suka sgt ada shape, berebut makan smpi ada yang tarik muncung panjang
