Friday 27 June 2008

The Perfect Wedding Gift?

Hunting for the perfect wedding gifts are on top of my list this week. mainly because i have 2 weddings to attend; both on sundays! how i wish both wedding are on seperate days so i can enjoy the reception and linger little bit longer without having to rush from one reception to another. i should be thankful though coz the timing does not coincide with one another or else i would feel torn apart between the two. but both are at different location seperated by the elite highway! satu siang & satu malam... still i would be rushing. ohh... i know i'm ranting.

the first one is going to be the happiest day in my best friend's life. using the word 'best' somehow sounds a bit strange to my ears especially when i know i haven't been playing the role of a good friend to anybody for a long long time. i really am not good at keeping in touch with my friends, always blaming the miles apart between us; despite the invention of email and mobile phone. whatever, faisal, the groom still and forever will be a dear friend to me. he was my first ever male best friend whom i can opened up to(hubby falls second to him ;-)). i was a prim & shy girl; i didn't mix (fits) quite easily with the boys unlike my other girl friends. one of the reason i became so close as a friend with hubby was because i missed having a male friend whom i can opened up to; who gives different perspective of life, different point of view from what i'm used to with my girl friends. the friendship with him is really a treasure. and i wouldn't miss his wedding day. i've been waiting for this day for ages, been counting for it since before i met my soulmate. you see, how come i always beat those who already been dating since our school days to tie the knot?

okay enough pondering around the memory lane. wedding gifts...i still haven't had a clue what to buy. the other wedding invitation comes from my boss... his sister in law's wedding in a hotel at subang jaya. and it sounds formal cos i heard a VVIP is attending... something i can do without but couldn't pull the escaping act this time, dah banyak kali turn down his invitation. that left me with 2 wedding gifts to look for. kitchen appliances? macam dah basi je. electrical goods? adeh skemanya! photo frame? pun basi. pinggan mangkuk lagilah dah lama aku buang dari list. i received tonns of pinggan mangkuk on my wedding... kebanyakan masih tak pakai lagi sampai sekarang... sayang jer. pasal tu tak suka kasi hadiah pinggan mangkuk kat orang.

speaking of wedding gift, have you ever had someone pulling a prank on you on your wedding day/night? i had one. a friend of mine (except i don't know which one) pulled a prank on my wedding night; in the form of his/her wedding gift. i kept all my wedding gift in my room, which is a normal thing to do. we didn't expect that on the struck of midnight masa sedara mara semua dah lena kepenatan; and me & hubby pun dah tertidur masa tu tetiba dengan kuatnya buat azan comes from one of the gift boxes dalam bilik kami. me & hubby jumped out of the bed frantically selongkar all the boxes. we were so desperate to find the source of bunyi azan tu sebab tak mau sedara mara semua terbangun and somehow it made us feel embarassed as if we were doing something wrong. we didn't do anything wrong, we hardly did anything at all ;-P. masa tu memang dah agak mesti ada orang bagi hadiah alarm clock. siot betul... lu punya timing memang cantekkk!wakenabeb!

so, would i be daring enough to pull such prank? i'm tempted to... :-)


  1. hahahah...rupa2nyer ko yg nak buat gempaq...menjadi ker ?

  2. i wouldn't dare to! sifat daring itu mmg tak pernah wujud dlm diriku yg skema ni kan...hehe

  3. haa..sama..xsuka kasik pinggan mangkuk/set cawan2 tuh..coz dpt byk masa kawen dan xterpakai sume..prefer beli bedsheet set..praktikal sket..:D

  4. hehehe... sukanye kenakan orang....
    so far, belum pernah terkena lagi.. but planning to kenakan orang.. memang ada je dlm kepala ni.. and kite kalo wedding present ni suka bagi yg lain dari yang lain.. hehehe

  5. azie,
    pernah jugak beli bedsheet with comforter set tapi kena sumbat dalam kotak besar lah pulak... yup i agree with you, go for practicality

    apa tu yg lain dr yg lain meh lah share tips...
