Sunday 15 June 2008


pheww!! rasa lega akhirnya jejak kaki kat rumah semula jumaat malam sabtu baru ni. i was away for a one night trip to KT... bukanlah lama sangat pun, just one night jer tapi aturcara sangat memenatkan. the first night away from my kids, i couldn't sleep. i was only able to shut my eyes pukul 5am... pastu kol 6am dah bangun solat, mandi & bersiap2 coz 7am somebody from site office came to fetch me. aduhhh rasa macam tak boleh buka mata tapi apakan daya tanggungjawab belum selesai. pastu berkumpul kat primula hotel ( i stayed at my grandpa's house), meet the bankers & proceed to our site office to board the dredgers. huargh! sakitnya badan turun naik 2 dredgers pagi tu. rentung kulitku...i refused to tempek2 sunblock ke or pakai long sleeves bagai, akibatnya tanggung sendiri lah kan. nasib i made the right decision to wear sport shoes, there's no place for sandals or high heel or fancy stilleto's atas dredgers, you'll ended up causing injuries to yourself. apapun, sport shoes or no shoes kaki ku tetap jugak sakit. i manage to ignore the pain the whole day, putting a though face in front of our visitors (read bankers) sampai semua orang ingat aku keje atas kapal sebab cool aje... tapi balik malam tu adehhh sakit giler. ni pun tengah berdenyut2 sakitnya... hampeh betul, ntah bila nak baik agaknya.

yaya weep in her sleep the first night. fahmi tried to calm her down but to no avail. hubby didn't succeed either. aku & yaya tak pernah berenggang 1 malam pun sejak dia lahir. malah when i was hospitalised 2 tahun lepas sebab remove my tonsils pun she slept with me in the ward 2 malam. to be honest, i couldn't stay away from the children, i have been keeping my outstaion travel short... day trip normally. but this time around had to stay lil' bit longer. bayangkan lepas hubby & the kids dropped me at the airport tiba2 boleh terdengar suara fahmi... it wasn;t him of course. it was some other boy talking to his sister. cepat betul rindu kat anak2.

emm... rasa nak demam ni sebenarnya. penat lagi rasa badan & kaki yang menjadi2 sakit ni doesn't help either. esok father's day... kena lift up my mood by tomorrow morning. i don't want to spoil the day just because of kaki yang sakit & badan yang masih penat lagi ni.


  1. sob sob...sedihnya. same here...tak pernah been away from my boys, esp overnight.

    makcik...sudah2 lah masak. jeles...hahahha

  2. serik rasa tinggalkan anak2... but i know it won't be the first n the last time. tukar kerja lain pun belum tentu takde outstation... huwaaa

    cik puan... weekend baru ni i tak masuk dapur pun! hubby dah tarik muncung...hehe sian dia father's day takde hidangan istimewa.
    takde mood naik main masak2...;-)
