Tuesday 8 July 2008

Mat Kacau & Mat Nusia?

before i went to the subject of today's entry, let me just update on hubby's condition. mr liasari has recovered from his severe back pain; as a result he has gone for 1 week outstation ... grrrr!! the laser treatment unfortunately has been postpone to a later date, but that did not stop him from taking the outstation assignment. some would think that he's a workaholic...

i on the other hand had to dealt with fahmi's sudden illness yesterday. he had stomach ache on sunday night, but the pain immediately gone within minutes after i rubbed yuyee's oil on his stomach. came monday he barely eats, complaining of nausea everytime he had some food. he even vomitted a couple of times; one time right upon arriving at the clinic last night. he was pale and tired. he went to bed very early last night on empty stomach. he woke up this morning terus minta nasi and telur goreng (for breakfast!). right after that he doze off (tak sempat mandi!) and woke up only when i came back during lunch break to check on him. alhamdulillah, anakku yang sorang ni dengar nasihat mama dia rajin makan ubat & pujuk2 makan nasi, so petang ni dah sihat. tapi punyalah cengkung, bahana satu hari sakit.

tiba2... rumahku jadi rumah sakit pulak bila berturut2 father and son sakit.

okay, so i've already covered latest updates on hubby & fahmi which left only yaya yang belum ada update. which brings me back to the subject of this entry. mat kacau & mat nusia? these are the new nicknames yang yaya gave to daddy and mama since last saturday morning upon our return from the market. boleh tahan laser mulut anak dara ni sekarang sesedap rasa jer dia bagi nicknames kat daddy & mama dia.

sabtu lepas masa me & hubby returned home from the market, hubby terus menyakat yaya. agaknya geram punya pasal spontan yaya cakap "tu mat kacau dah balik"... ternganga mulut kami berdua. cepat2 teringat watak mat kacau dalam rancangan gerak geri gasing on astro channel yang we watched earlier. so it prompted me to challenge her kalau daddy mat kacau, mama ni apa? ingatkan mestilah dia kata mama ni makwe (she only knows to describe me as makwe daddy & daddy pakwe mama) daddy. rupa2nya dia kata "mama lah mat nusia" ... mula2 pelik juga sebab takde pulak watak mat nusia dalam rancangan tu. lepas tu barulah realise what she meant was 'manusia'...

semenjak ada astro ni macam2 perubahan yang i observed in my children. good things and some not so good things. they watched cartoon network, disney channel and few other cartoon channel mainly. the not so good things are that they have become hooked with mr bean ( i hate it!) sampai fahmi boleh tiru gaya mr bean joget kendur lutut tu and everytime i told them perangai mr bean tak senonoh, they would defend mr bean. pastu masa mula2 masuk astro 3 bulan lepas both fahmi & yaya tak mau tidur malam asyik tengok cartoon jer.

but they are many other good things they picked up from watching disney channel. fahmi punya malay vocab tersangat improve, walaupun sebenarnya i was putting much hope yang it would help him to understand english better. rupa2nya dia dah pandai switch to malay language! mickey pun cakap melayu. so his malay kekadang sounds sangat skema & sopan habis ... kekadang bulat biji mata kami dngar dia bercakap.

kebelakangan ni, ada lagu baru yang selalu yaya & fahmi nyanyi...memula i couldn't figure out apa yang diaorang nyanyikan. the song goes like this (in malay, of course)...

wonder pet, wonder pet
kami datang membantu anak khinzir
kami tak besar, dan kami tak kuat
bila2 berkerja bersama-sama
jerit wonder pet!

yang part 'anak tut tut' tu buat me & hubby terkejut & ketawa nak pecah perut.. but these kids they are innocent... bukan tau pun halal haram, so kenalah mama explain kat diaorang kenapa tak boleh "membantu anak tut tut"... nanti jadi kontroversi ketua menteri selamatkan ladang b*b* kat melaka pulak. there are other version to this song actually... versi "membantu anak penguin" and other animals. fahmi knows that khinzir is malay word for 'pig'... i'm impressed that he knows both name in english and malay. anyway, i'm open to the ideas of exposing my children to as much information yang boleh enrich pengetahuan dia... takdelah semata2 sebab seekor anak tut tut i would ban terus astro kat rumah. but of course, screening itu perlu juga.


  1. he..he .. ramai betul kids suka dgn wonder pets rite now ..he..he... hopefully sumer org kt umah yg not weel akan bertambah sihat yer ..

    ps: rindu nk tgk update foods & cooking .. kak nk ty kak guna oven apa yer?? leh rekomen yg ok?? TQ

  2. diana,
    kami ni terpinga2 dengar wonder pet lah, pocoyo lah... tetiba dgr lagu garu kepala jap bila pulak sekolah fahmi ajar lagu melayu *lol*

    kurang masak2 sejak org sakit. peminat setia tgh away pulak tu, ambil kesempatan goyang kaki...hehe
    kak lia guna oven cornell kecik jer. tak reti nak ckp yg mana okay, beli ikut tanda $$$ & kemampuan jer. yg cornell ni dlm 400 gitu.

  3. i donno if i should be proud that i knew yaya meant 'manusia' before i read ur explanation. i think it means i've been hanging around kids too much hehehhe

    i personally love astro. my saviour when i want to take a shut eye :)

    so after this i boleh lah sms "watch channel 703" :)

  4. *lol* yeah i dah tak blur2 lagi klu u sms me what channel to watch! kahkahkah sorry lah i idup zaman batu...

    i tak pernah ajar anak2 i apa itu manusia or haiwan but they got it from watching too much of astro agaknya.

    btw, i'm crazy about 703!!! we (me & hubby) are also crazy about 701... mengadap CSI!!

  5. Hi Lia,
    my kids yang balik m'sia kjap ni pun dah tengok wonderpets but yg susah nya I kena duduk tengok sama sbb kena translate for them. Sian your hb n Fahmi, hope they tak lah sakit lagi ye

  6. hi LG,
    so u pun wonderpets fan jugaklah ye? ;-) i blom pernah sempat tgk lagi... kenal lagu jer

  7. Lia..meh I ajar u nyanyi...

    aper yang penting...

    hahahhaha ...adoii penat ader budak budak neih...abes mak dier pun kena hafal lagu ehheheh

    jerit wonderpets!
