Saturday 2 August 2008

Herb Roasted Chicken

i delivered my promise to fahmi who had been requesting me to make roasted chicken for him. so for tonite's dinner i made herb roasted chicken. remember last time i made rosemary roasted chick? well, this time i used sage instead of rosemary as the main ingredient combined with finely crushed garlic, lemon juice and olive oil. memula rasa was2 juga nak guna sage + lemon for bahan marinade because i'm not sure how it's going to taste like... but well just give it a try.

alhamdulillah... sedap rasanya, hubby approved and had second helping. as usual kalau masak roasted chicken mesti kena buat gravy/sauce nya coz hubby tak suka makan macam tu aja. so i scrapped the juices yang comes out from the chicken, sauteed white button mushroom, flour and letak blackpepper sauce sikit. ni aja sauce yang hubby berkenan.

roasted chicken with mashed potato + salad

masa tengah masak ayam ni teringat pulak my dad masa we all kecil dulu suka jugak masak ayam panggang... tapi dia punya style malay lah - ayam panggang serai. my dad ni ada talent masak2 tau, tak lah hebat tapi masa my mom terlantar sakit 1 bulan (i was 10 yrs old masa tu) abah lah yang took over kerja2 membasuh & memasak untuk kami 4 beradik. tapi dalam tempoh sebulan tu tak merasa kami makan ayam panggang... it was like everyday abah cooked us sambal sardin with plenty of sliced potato in it. itulah makanan kami 4 beradik hari2... not that i fretted about it, selera aku masa tu simple jer, dapat nasi dengan kicap dan gaul dengan keropok yang diramas halus pun cukup...menjilat jari lagi!

but of course to make ayam panggang serai mestilah with the help of my mom, kalau tak berkecahlah dapur tu... nak harapkan anak dara dia yang sorang ni memang minta maaf ler sebab aku kecik2 dulu tak reti masuk dapur... buat kacau tau ler ;-) bila abah buat ayam panggang serai dia, my mom would prepare the chilli sauce for dipping. suka tengok my parents kerjasama kat dapur... so sweet hehe.

and bakat/kerajinan abah memasak tu diwarisi oleh anak2 lelakinya. adik2 lelaki aku memang tak mati kutu nak memasak kalau my mom takde kat rumah. ada2 ajalah idea nak mengisi perut. my 1st bro is famous for his ayam bakar and he used to sell satay masa bujang dulu... so kalau nak ber bbq serah jelah kat dia. and he also made bihun goreng yang sedap, better than mine! my 2nd bro plak suka bereksperimen with food... ada2 jelah pelbagai nasi goreng ikut selera dia, rasa memang pass! that's what i'm proud of my bros... at least depa berdua ni pandai memasak ;-)

choc coated strawberry for dessert

ni mengada2 nak buat ala2 choc ferrero rocher macam 'take home chef' buat tapi takde chopped almond so buat plain choc dusted with cocoa powder jelah

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