Sunday 3 August 2008

Nasi Lemak

we had simple nasi lemak for breakfast this morning. it had been ages since i last cook nasi lemak; i think it was sometime after i gave birth to yaya. then i stop making it because hubby complaint the sambal doesn't taste sesedap the one i made when i was pregnant with yaya. inspired by nasi lemak ayam goreng yang puan sally made the other day, kuteruskan jua hajat buat nasi lemak kali ni, dengan azam sambalnya mesti sedap.

kisah sambal nasi lemak ni is one weird episode that i'd like to share with all readers (macam lah ramai hehe). seriously, i was hopeless when it comes to making the best sambal. i could never get it right, that explains why i didn't make nasi lemak kerap sangat, in fact boleh dibilang dengan jari. kena pulak hubby jenis yang rajin mengomel tentang masakan ku, so yang dia kurang berkenan tu memang aku elakkan jauh2.

strangely, while i was pregnant with yaya i had lots of craving for food. but instead of taking the easiest way of buying them outside i have this strange craving for making them myself. so one night, dah dekat pukul 10pm macam tu, dengan perut memboyot kumasak sambal nasi lemak. i have no idea apa bahan terbaik nak guna to produce sambal yang sedap, but i just go with my instinct. i still thinks that it was a miracle that it turns out really fantastic. you must ask why kan? sebab selepas the first attempt yang menjadi tu followed by 2nd & 3rd attempt but after i gave birth to yaya, no matter how rigid i followed the recipe that i invented that night i could never get it right. never!

and you know what? i have this superstitous believe that that was because i was carrying a girl! i don't really like to believe it, but i made so many other delicious dishes masa pregnant kan yaya. okaylah enough about my 'instinct' or superstitous believe nanti ada yang throw up pulak membacanya ;-)

alhamdulillah sambal yang kubuat pagi tadi sesedap sambal nasi lemak mak cik yang berniaga depan kedai kat rumah kami hehehe masuk lif tekan sendiri ye. kalau ada belacan Bintulu ( i used them masa pregnant dulu) tentu lagi kick. insyaAllah dalam waktu terdekat ni dapatlah kot, dah kirim dengan my colleague yang nak balik kampung next week. seriously, belacan Bintulu is the best ever in Malaysia (and the world perhaps).

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