Sunday 7 September 2008

7 Ramadhan 1429H - Anniversary!!!

6 stalks of red roses represents the 6th year of our union. alhamdulillah syukur sangat2 atas nikmat yang Allah swt berikan. this entry will be a bit lenghty and ada nada2 perasan sikit. that's what will happen bila kita selak2 kenangan lama... :-)

semalam hubby stayed up little bit late... selalunya dia kepenatan berterawih, balik rumah kol 10.30 mesti dia terus naik tidur. but last night he joined me on the sofa, watching cashmere mafia. tiba2 a couple of minutes past 12 hubby ucap 'i love u' ...terpinga2 gak memula pastu cepat teringat ohh dah past twelve masuk 7 september - our anniversary. that was so sweet of him... aku sendiri pun tak terfikir nak tunggu detik 12 malam tu coz i already made arrangement for his surprise pagi ni. which turns out to be no surprise at all coz delivery boy sampai lambat!!!

tak ramai yang tahu how we actually met. not even my parents or my sister. i was very secretive about it except to this long lost best friend of mine, and a couple of my coursemate yang betul2 rapat... sebabnya zaman tu kalau aku story yang aku kenal hubby kat chat room sure my family will go beserk. and this long lost best friend of mine was the first to point out to me that she thinks this male friend (hubby lah tu) of mine dah jatuh hati kat aku. and according to her, she think me too have fallen in love with this guy diluar kesedaran ku sendiri. i owe her so much and grateful to her for butting into my personal life. why? read on...

we were chat friends for almost 1 1/2 years. i was on my 2nd year kat uni, aku di bangi dia di klang. mulanya tak rapat pun biasa2 gitu je... coz aku chatting pun saja suka2 huhahuha tak teringin langsung nak mencari pasangan. from the beginning we were on the 'aku kau' basis, memang tak ladylike langsung eventhough kutahu dia 4 years my senior. we never met personally, we don't see why we should. sehinggalah masuk 3rd year (last semester just before i graduated) i had a big crush with this guy... it was a foolish crush that seems like real and it breaks my heart into pieces to learn the truth about him (heee rasa bodoh giler!!! kekeke), i posted some message kat chat room yang mengakibatkan malam tu i received an uninvited call from him (hubby). ohhh rupa2nya he was so concerned about me sampaikan dia minta my phone number from another coursemate of mine yang sama2 berchatting... budak uni memang kaki chatting!!!
strange enough because rasa mudah sangat to open up to him bercerita walaupun tak pernah berjumpa. he is a warm person and a good listener. lagipun maybe because i was so afraid of falling for a guy at that time and knowing that he already have a girlfriend buat aku rasa lega because i know this guy is not out for fishing. i have this strange rule bab berkawan dengan lelaki... if you want to be my friend then so be it because it will be strictly on friendship basis... the minute you start to woo me i'll run.

we met for the first time a couple of weeks after the phone call. he just got his paycheck and was bragging on the net about having so much money but don't know how and with whom to spent with, so he offered to pay me lunch. berlagak giler... ;-P ... the were many first time that i share with him. he was the one yang ajar aku main boling... bayangkan aku main boling pakai skirt pendek (zaman jahiliah), lane next to us ada a group of budak2 lelaki, sure diaorg jeles gila kat hubby aku not knowing yang aku dengan hubby takde apa2 masa tu. (ada nada perasan kat situ...hahah). he was the one yang bawa aku ke midvalley, kalau tak sebelum tu mana aku kenal midvalley.

and ada sekali tu he brought me to his officemate's open house tapi bila sampai sana dia sibuk melayan sorang ofismate perempuan yang tergila2kan dia. nasib aku ni sporting... tapi perbuatan dia menyebabkan aku jadi tumpuan pakwe2 macho kat situ... sure orang ingat aku adik dia. yelah datang dengan dia tapi tercongok kat kerusi while he entertaining another girl. macam gitu pun aku boleh jatuh hati kat dia eventually. he was the one who taught me what love is. he was my first and only love sehingga ke hari ini.

macam mana kami boleh bercinta padahal dia dah ada girlfriend? well his relationship with this girl was complicated. dipendekkan cerita their relationship ended tak lama lepas aku berkawan dengan dia. oww it makse me sounds macam orang ketiga kan? no no no... like i said our relationship was strictly hanya kawan. aku siap warning dia awal2 lagi, kalau nak kawan selamanya kita jadi kawan. entah macam mana our friendship slowly blossom... i started to feel this strange soft feeling towards him... kadang2 rasa nak ketuk kepala aku, dah bengong ke? nak jilat ludah sendiri ke? sepanjang bulan ramadhan akhir tahun 2000 hampir setiap malam aku buat solat hajat minta Allah swt padamkan perasaan yang bukan2 terhadap lelaki ini. i can't handle it... i can't walaupun hati aku mau. aku takut bertepuk sebelah tangan sebenarnya, dan aku tak mau perasaan ni merosakkan our friendship.

penat memendam perasaan, tapi kalau dah ditetapkan Tuhan bahawa dia jodoh aku, macam mana kuat aku berdoa sekalipun yang terjadi akan tetap terjadi... kun fayakun. 22 januari 2001 (it was the birthday of my long lost friend yang aku mention above), hubby bares his soul for the first time to me via email! and the rest is history... oh ya perjalan ke jinjang pelamin was not easy, we had a bumpy ride but we made it ;-)

to hubby, thank you for being my best friend, my lover and the father of my child. semoga kasih sayang kita terus mekar dengan rahmantNya. amin.

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