Sunday 19 October 2008

Allah Selamatkan Kamu...

this morning yaya sang

"Allah selamatkan daddy...
Allah selamatkan daddy... Allah selamatkan daddy kami...
Allah selamatkan daddy..."

... her Islamic version of birthday song for hubby who turns 34 today. May Allah bless you always, hubby darling. as for yaya she is so candid that when she opt to sing the birthday song i didn' expect her to change 'kamu' to 'daddy'. she makes the song personalised and brought smile to hubby's face. she's so sweet... that's the thing about yaya, despite her strong headed nature yang selalu buat kita geram but she knows how to make your heart melt. the star (like her namesake) in our house.

i asked hubby if he wants me to make sup tulang rusuk for his birthday because last week he mentioned about sup tulang rusuk. but he wants nasi beriani and ayam masak merah with kurma daging... again! well, who am i to argue with the birthday boy? his wish is my command. aye aye sir!

initially i wanted to make a bitrhday cake tapi i put off the idea sebab tak sempat nak cari icing nozzle etc. so i made a variety of cakes & pastry instead. and memang saja masak lebih in case ada musafir lalu tumpang berteduh ;-).

brownies, blueberry cheese tart and steamed fruit cake

we took a family photo as memento... geram tengok mulut fahmi comot rupanya, every snaps ada je yang bergaya selekeh ;-P


  1. eh lia...hubby kita twins ke? hubby i pun turned 34 on 19 oct. heiii...small world.

    by the way, thanks for coming over on saturday. hope fahmi & yaya like the favours we (or rather amir) gave out...

  2. erk?! serius? haha... happy belated birthday to isyam... and of course u too!
    fahmi & yaya loved the favours so much tiap masa main puzzle or teraburkan. the favours were brilliant! at least they keep them occupied while i'm in the kitchen.
