Thursday 25 December 2008

Planning For Soon To Be 5 Party

fahmi is going to turn 5 this coming january. in fact his birthday falls on the first day of new school semester, that is 5 january 2009. so this 5 jan shall be his 5th birthday and his first day at school. 5jan also happens to be on monday which was the day he was born. i always emphasize on making extra special celebration jika tarikh ulang tahun anak2ku bersamaan dengan peningkatan usia dia.

yaya has gone through the same extra special celebration when she turns 2 on 2 april 2007. so now it's gonna be fahmi's turn pulak. so how hard planning for another party can be? ughh just thinking about it pun dah buat aku rasa pening kepala. tambahan pulak kalau akulah party planner, akulah mak 'pengantin', akulah chef, akulah cook etc.

ok, extra special celebration/party doesn't mean that we are going to have a big party with tons of food and guests. i'd love to hold a big party coz it has been a while since i last throw a party. tapi penat buat makan2 lagipun takkan tiap2 tahun nak buat party, budak2 pun makin membesar nanti diaorang naik lemak pulak kan? as usual we are going to celebrate it with my family at my mum's place.

i've drafted my plan and menus. kalau dibiar ikutkan hati i'd like to do something grand with lavish food, i'd like to show off my culinary skills to my family (hehe perasan habis), make it a feast but that means i'd have to stay in the kitchen all day long coz the preparation list will be extensively long. so i have to cut down a few things and keep it simple.

since i'll be making fahmi's birthday cake i will have to start baking on the 1 january ambil kesempatan cuti umum or else i wouldn't be able to finish it on time. there's others that i need to prepare in advance. nak kena pegi shopping for barang makan, party decorative items etc.

bestnya kalau party planner ni ada assistant. hubby? ehh orang lelaki mana minat part planning party ni, part makan tu bolehlah ajak dia ;-P

hari ni aku malas masak. just buat chicken pie je dengan pumpkin pie yang aku buat malam tadi. ada orang bising tak dapat makan nasi tapi seriously aku teramat malas tahap gaban today. ampun tuanku!

buruk sungguh crust dia kan? yang penting rasa pumpkin pie dia yang lemak2 manis tu sedap :-)

hasil berwindow shopping hari ni. blueberries from chile ni kurang sedap compared to nz and korean yang pernah aku beli. lain kali tak bleh beli lagi chilean blueberries


  1. nak partyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy

  2. heheh watie... teringin juga buat makan2 lagi untuk clique kita. insyaAllah kalau ada rezeki masa house warming nanti... ;-)
