Thursday 1 January 2009

First Day...

first day of the new year pass by... another 3 more days before my boy celebrates his 5th birthday.
today i spent more than 3 hours decorating his birthday cake. i know some of you would probably raised an eyebrow asking isn't it too early? there is still one more day before his party at my mum's place on saturday. but well, if you minus friday (tomorrow) which happens to be my working day and the whole day on saturday where i'm going to be extremely busy preparing the food, i wouldn't be able to catch time to finish decorating the cake. that's what happen when you happen to be a working mother enthusiast on giving the best for his son's birthday.

i started icing the cake from morning. i was too caught up in my work that i almost forgot to prepare lunch. nasib baik hubby request for steam fish aja. ;-)
yaya asyik merungut coz it took me a long time to finish my work. i guess she was hoping to get my full attention today since it was a non-working day. sorry darling...

siap je decorate cake terus aku rasa nak demam. hubby ajak keluar jalan2... tak larat rasanya. fahmi pun terasa boring. before i could response to hubby's invitation semua orang dah terleka mengadap movie The Hulk kat tv3. sedar tak sedar rupa2nya fahmi dozed off sambil duduk.

eventually we did go out petang tadi after asar prayer. since i won't be cooking anything for dinner we decided to get a quick bite at McD in kota damansara. kebetulan pula terserempak dengan fahmi's classmate from smart reader who happens to be a sweet girl named nuha. fahmi used to had a crush on her masa mula2 masuk smart reader dulu. comel orangnya dan ramah pulak tu. i avoid mention about his crush coz i doesn't want to embarass him. i know he missed his friends (not only nuha)since they had to part ways after the school closed down. tapi sampai nuha left the mcD pun fahmi langsung tak berganjak dari tempat duduk dia. dia takut kami tease dia. pemalu yang amat anak teruna ni sorang. okaylah tu... takdelah mama risau anak mama jadi "pencinta wanita' iye tak?


  1. hehe.. lama x jumpa abg long yang best ni... kejap je dah besar kan???

  2. fahmi..happy 5th bday ye...da beso da anak kita ye salwa...5thn..fuh mcm xpecaya..anyway...auntie nk la rasa kek spiderman tu....hehe
