Saturday 31 January 2009


kena tag lagi dengan puan nolie aka puan rimo. kakak, dalam sibuk2 pindah 'rumah' baru sempat lagi tag saya ye? homework yang kakak bagi kat saya bulan lepas pun tak sempat buat lagi... huhu. it took me 2 days to complete this tag. tak boleh nak mengadap pc lama2. i didn't expect searching for images could take this long, provided you get the most accurate images to describe yourself, which is almost impossible! ;-P tapi tak kira lambat or cepat nak buat jugak, coz it is fun.

The rules is simple. Used google image to search the answer the questions below. Then you must choose a picture in the first page of results, and post it as your answer. After that tag 6 people.


I really want to go

My favourite place

My favourite thing

My favourite Food

My favourite Drink

My favourite color

I live in

I was born in

My college

My favourite story

My hobby

I wish

now, who shall i tag? orang2 yang malas update blog, silakan:
1. shida
2. faisal
3. jaja@acik (awak tak masuk kategori malas ye ;-))
4. azie
5. watie (sudah kena ke belum?)
6. ninarizwina


  1. hahahhaa...judith mcnaught tu fave ku jugak...

  2. hahah we have 2 things in common... the books & fresh orange!

  3. iyoo laaa...emm dah pindah umah baru ker ??

  4. shida,
    blom lg masih kat rumah lama. nmpk gaya mcm x jadi nak buat housewarming tahun ni... huhu nntilah nak cerita panjang lebar kat next entry
