Friday 13 February 2009

Fahmi's New School

fahmi has settled in his new school. today he collected his second uniform, so now he has 2 uniform which can be worn alternately. insyaAllah bila mama ada duit lebih nanti i'd buy him another pair so that takdelah selang dua hari pakai yang sama. we haven't bought him his sports attire though, maybe we could just get him sehelai t-shirt putih with red track bottom. but where to find a pair of red track bottom? it is not a common colour for track bottom. for those who wonder why red let me just tell you that his new school's theme colour is red & white sebab sekolah tu nama dia tadika strawberry so mestilah red kan mana ada strawberry yang biru or kuning.

his new uniform is a three piece suit - white shirt with a mini-tie, red jacket & red shorts (i'll upload the pic later). smart but the only thing yang aku tak berkenan ialah shorts dia tu, it is a short shorts! i think what i'm going to do is i'm going to buy kain ela kaler merah and ask my mum to jahit sepasang seluar panjang. sopan skit kan coz zaman sekarang even budak darjah satu pun dah tak pakai shorts unlike zaman aku sekolah dulu.

i met his english teacher today, dr suhaimi who is also the principal. he told me that fahmi berani bersuara kat sekolah jadi senang nak teach him. alhamdulillah his statement consistent dengan statement teacher smart reader fahmi dulu.

the fact that his new school is within close proximity with my house membolehkan aku drop him to school every morning. nasib baik juga coz his school begins at 8.30, dan aku selalu keluar pergi keje jam 8pagi. jadi on the way tu singgah kejap hantar dia. i really enjoy sending him off to school, this is what i'd like and imagined to do sejak dulu. rasa seronok sangat dapat hantar dia, rasa kepuasan yang susah nak digambarkan. puas sebab dapat buat what i consider as much as my responsibility and also as a privileges of being a mother. i couldn't fetch him from school afterwards though sebab his school ends at 11.30am. luckily the teacher is willing to drop him at home... with a small fee.tapi masa first day kat sekolah fahmi kata dia menangis sebab teacher lambat hantar dia balik. huhu... first time.

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