Saturday 14 March 2009

So Long... Farewell... Adieu

i never shed a tear or two when a colleague left. perhaps because i was never that close to anyone.
i was never sad when my staff left. not because i never care for them, which i do so much but perhaps we never actually touch each others heart.
thus, i don't understand why this time i feel so devastated
nor do i understand why this time i cried
when my secretary left, today

my heart ache with every minute ticking away
when i realised the time to say good bye has finally come
so i wait in agony inside my room
praying and hoping the clock would stop ticking
so that there will be no good bye

if i could turn back time i'd like to go back to the time
when i was on my own
had i know saying goodbye was this hard
i would never welcome another soul to stand so close to me

so here i am sitting here in my small working room
in the aftermath of a farewell
seeking solace over the lost of a dear working partner, a protege in the make and a friend
i recall my welcome was so cold when she first stepped in to my room
but the farewell was so... wet when she left
now i know for sure i'd be missing someone doting on me
as there will be no more "puan, ada apa2 nak pesan..."
and no more reply from me "...chipsmore jelah"

and because i was busy willowing in myself, the thought of taking a snap or two photo as memento was forgotten
but for a sweet young girl who warms to everyone i gave her a pair of kain ela
the multi coloured clothe and the multi coloured brooch reminds me of her colourful character
as John Gay says:

"We only part to meet again"

i sincerely hope that we shall remain friends.
owhh... i promised myself i will not cry, i never thought i would felt so moved this time that i cried so hard.

May you always have work for your hands to do.
May your pockets hold always a coin or two.
May the sun shine bright on your windowpane.
May the rainbow be certain to follow each rain.
May the hand of a friend always be near you.
And may God fill your heart with gladness to cheer you.
~Irish Blessing

good luck, live well and take care.

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