Monday 30 March 2009

Time For Another Party

dalam pada malas memasak coz kakak bercuti weekend lepas, sempat juga aku mengerjakan cookies untuk kiddies treat masa besday yaya nanti. we plan to have it at my mom's place, again and again. dapat juga buat sikit, itupun mula membaking dah petang sangat. tak sempat nak iced the cookies, aku terus simpan dalam container.

punyalah tension kali ni mencari idea nak buat birthday cake yaya. dahlah aku tengah jiwa kacau dek hal kerja sampai jadi blank habis takde idea nak buat kek fesyen apa for her birthday. kesian yaya.

the fact that she requested macam2 theme for her birthday cake doesn't help either. jadi lagi susah aku nak decide. bila aku suruh dia sendiri decide aku pulak jadi tak puas hati dengan jawapan dia. she has been asking for doll cake sejak dari tahun lepas lagi. tetiba baru2 ni she was torn between kitty cake, doll cake and ladybird cake. i make her choose one theme out of three. dia pilih kitty... sudahnya aku pulak tak puas hati dengan pilihan tu, aku yang terhegeh2 nak doll. heheh ni kes impian zaman kanak2 tak kesampaian lah ni.

so, on saturday morning lepas hubby hantar yaya ke smart reader aku pun keluar hunting for barang2 untuk buat cake & hidangan birthday dia nanti. i already made a list of things to buy and the 20odd things in my list kena dapatkan bukan dari 1 tempat tapi 4 shops. phewww! sampai almost 3pm baru siap shopping. dari subang perdana ke sect 14 PJ, patah balik ke subang jaya then ke kota damansara baru balik semula ke rumah.

but after hours of shopping and endless time taken to browse the australian women's weekly magazine, aku masih belum boleh decide design apa nak buat for yaya's cake! oh my... mental block habis kali ni. huwaaaa... dah kecut perut ni. tolonggg!

the cookies yang dah iced. yaya helped me to iced the cookies petang semalam before we went to fetch kakak from her aunt's house.

boring sebab kena mengemas rumah sendiri, semalam aku buat mee kari je untuk brunch. tak sempat buat breakfast sebab berlumba2 nak pakai dapur dengan hubby yang sibuk dengan projek tempe nya lagi. sudahnya, mee kari tu we had as late breakfast cum lunch. the kids had their sunny fried egg on toast.


  1. apa kata bg tempe tuh kat aku on this saturday ? hehehe
    Hello kitty - hints for besday present ker ?

  2. muakakaka shida,
    tempe dah abis pulun wat kuah lodeh mlm ni... harap maaf. nnti ku pujuk2 tokey tempe tu wat small portion utk ko ye? kang kempunan plak.
    ello kitty x jadi... wat princess theme! heheh present utk mama dia sekali ye?

  3. hi deaR:) we r calling order for LV Nfull Damier from RM2499 :) n more AUTH COACH on sale from RM199! :) tq sweetie ;)

    p.s : sume mknn looks tempting.lapaaa bile tgk :) yummyyy!

  4. yummy..cutenyer tengok cookies tu..leh tempah tak?

  5. anna,
    nak cuba bolehlah ;-)

    salam singgah. wahhh LV & coach pun nampak menggoda u! :-)
