Sunday 26 April 2009

My Warehouse Sales Outing ;-P

after sending off fahmi to school for his outing yesterday, hubby dropped me at stadium malawati shah alam for my own (metrojaya) sales outing ;-). to be honest, this is the first ever warehouse sales i ever went to. and metrojaya some more, despite being a metrojaya member i've never bother about its sales and what not. until my recently left secretary alerted me on the MJ sales last year, which i missed because i only know about it after the sales was over. this time around i have to thank puan sally for alerting me of the scheduled sales so that i managed to schedule my time appropriately.

actually, there's nothing urgent or so special that i want/need to get from this sales. except that knowing the bedsheet/comforter set is priced at hillariously knocked down price, i just couldn't resist it. hubby dok membebel at how many more bedsheet sets i want to get because according to him we have 6 sets altogether yang dikira sejak kami kawin and he said i've just bought the latest addition a couple of months ago. so i told him that 6 is considered sangat minima coz we have been married for 7 years now and the latest that i bought is considered quota tahun lepas, so i still need to get a new one for this year. 7 bedsheet sets selama 7 tahun of marriage tu kira tersangatlah reasonable consider every 3 months (at least) kena tukar cadar. takkan sepanjang tahun nak pakai yang sama, naik lunyai jawabnya.

back to the warehouse sales. i didn't know that you have to queue up macam budak sekolah kat depan pintu masuk tu. and with the count down and everything i feel like anak kambing nak dilepaskan dari kandang jer. i almost walk out sebab terasa diri macam shopaholics lah pulak. maklum jelah sebelum ni tak pernah kejar warehouse sales. but whatever, i didn't walk out before the real excitement begins. and for the first 30mins or so i was suddenly become dumbstruck tengok orang ramai sangat and jadi clueless i didnt know where to start. but i know there are only 2 things that i want to get my hands on i.e. silk bedsheet+comforter set and dinner plates apart from hubby's working shirt that he asked me to buy for him.

the bedsheets priced at 70% less from the normal price. selepas berpusing satu stadium melihat2 kalau ada barang lain yang menarik, i finally walked back to the beddings area and almost grabbed 1 set before i realised that they have this further knocked down session on selected item. so i waited up until the knocked down finally reached the beddings area. i didn't have to wait for long though coz tak lama lepas tu loceng pun berbunyi. i get this nouvelle silk bedsheet+comforter set in olive green at rm180. it doesn't look green enough in this pic due to lighting

i also get new FunActive pyjamas for fahmi & yaya one pair each. takdelah murah sangat harga dia, normal price je.
as for hubby's office shirt, i didn't grab any because kurang berkenan dengan fabric dia. as for dinner plates, yes i found what i was looking for but i decided against it sebab susah nak carry what with mengheret bedsheet in one hand and the shopping bag on the other. well, excuses...excuses... sebenarnya aku risau nak ikut nafsu berbelanja ni. nanti menyesal sendiri hehe.

then today pulak we went to Fagor kitchen appliances sales dekat bukit raja. this sales memang ditunggu2 dan memang ada dalam bajet untuk rumah baru. ada 2 pakej hood+ 3 burner hob+oven yang kami berkenan. one is priced at rm2,599 which the hob is made on tempered glass, while the other hob priced at rm1,990 hobnya dibuat dari stainless steel. memang aku dah berangan nak tempered glass hob, tapi dalam angan2 ku it would be pacifica hob yang tersangat mantap bukannya fagor. in the end selepas 2 round makan icecream free, aku decide untuk ambil the stainless steel hob package at rm1,990 setelah mempertimbangkan value for money factor dan juga gara2 promoter tak bergaji (hubby lah tu) yang sibuk duk cucuk aku suh beli yang murah sikit tu sebab the differences tu boleh guna untuk cover cost wash basin fagor.

so what happened to my dream pacifica hob? hancur berderai... huwaaaa meleleh air liurku. tapi takpelah walaupun begitu aku dok peringatkan diri, time2 gawat begini & with very minimal budget yang kami ada, aku kena korbankan sesuatu untuk dapat sesuatu. kalau nak ikutkan purchase yang aku buat semalam tu adalah antara yang terbaik aku pernah buat sebab kalau ikut pelan asal nak beli hob & hood aja yang kami dah check harga beli berasingan would reach almost rm1.7k. so semalam tambah just rm290 aku dapat oven sekali. hehehe... jangan lepas ni ada orang cakap aku boleh dapat murah lagi for the 3 items that i bought sudahlah. sure aku meraung gila babas punya.


  1. hahha..nk kasik u meraung lah...coz mine tempered glass 3 stove hob cap electrolux dlm rm700 jek..hahha..hood tu actually,for me lah kan..jarang pakai..bising n panas..kalo beli cap biasa pun xpe..kak salina beli $1k+ pun dia kata bising...
    erkkk sorii for the late advise...hehe

  2. Azie...bukan je bising, malah tidak digunakan langsung sampai lupa adanya hood itu. Last2 bukak pintu pasang kipas lagi elok hehe.

    Waaa pergi gak tu. I also like that, sampai2 mcm lost in outer space. What to do, where to go, who to see. Tak tau. Aussino punya wasn't like that. Grill pan pun tak nampak, tak jadik nak meng-grill salmon.

  3. azie,
    tak... tak nak meraung. nak kasi azie plak meraung. tempered glass 3 burner hob fagor ada jual individual rm400 je! heheheh

    klu i tau u tak pakai hood tu baik jual murah2 kat i je... hehehe
    i first time gi warehouse sales manalah tau what to expect. next time rasa mcm x mau pegi dah
