Sunday 12 April 2009

Sunday Fun

gathering kat AB memang hebat. walaupun sorang pun kami tak kenal but everyone had fun. we enjoy the great company; yes we make acquintance with a few future neighbour, we enjoy the sukaneka and we relish the great food!

the registration begins at 9.30am. since i haven't done with packing the mee rebus, i had to set my alarm so that takdelah terbabas bangun lewat. kalau tak hari2 minggu begini memanglah memerap dalam selimut jer. we packed the mee rebus before we leave home at 9.30am which is late considering the program should begin at 9.30am!

dalam excited nak join gathering tu ada jugak small incident yang menimbulkan rasa cuak sikit. rasa kelakar pulak penat2 aku & kakak packed mee rebus tu ingatkan nak mudahkan orang makan just ambil, peel off the plastic wrap & tuang kuah. tapi bila sampai kat AB ada pulak urusetia makanan yang comment kenapa buat macam ni & implies that mee yang aku bawa tak cukup! geez, first i didn't know there's a rule on the presentation of food coz it wasn't mention in their email, when i told them i'd bring mee rebus & carrot cake; their reply was thank you. and they never said that who ever wish to bring food should bring enough to feed the whole community! i thought that everyone should contribute ikut kemampuan; kudrat & tenaga if not wang ringgit. had i know that my contribution would be ridicule for not being sufficient to feed the whole 300 over people i would not do so sebab aku pulak yang rasa kecil hati. okay forget about the small incident. i'd like to share photos of us from the event.

mama jadi guru besar monitoring the kids mewarna. kurang satu je; rotan kat tangan, else i'd be the perfect candidate for the headmistress of the day with my serious look. kalau dapat HM macam aku harus semua kanak2 lari bertempiaran.

the kids took a few seconds off from their colouring to smile at daddy. see the deep pink stripe on my tudung? it tanda nama & the colour mewakili kelompok rumah jenis bayu & anggun. warna ni nanti yang akan divide kami kepada team rumah sukan
subject mewarna for the day were 2 parrots duduk atas ranting pokok. just gave them a few words of encouragement and recommend which colour suits best to yaya only when i saw her keep on pulling out purple, green & black from her pencil colour box. black for parrots? but i didn't scream at her for her weird choice of colour. it's her in the competition, not me. i don't want her to keep on turning at me, i want her to just play with her imagination and be confident of herself. it's her parrots.

fahmi's piece of art. seems like he still remembers the colourful parrots he saw twice at malacca zoo. we even had a picture of the parrots. and he has great sense with colours.
yaya's piece of art. kakak said her parrots sangat murung. i told myself it's not right for me to critique her arts but i couldn't help wondering which one of my two kids yang mewarisi my flair in arts?
hubby in action. he joined the caterpillar jump mewakili rumah merah (that is pemilik rumah bayu & anggun). he hasn't been in any sports for a very very long time. i was having fun cheering & jeering for him & his team.
hubby exchanging big 10 with his team mates. his team won the caterpillar jump. horrayyy! dan aku menang bersorak. owh wow lamanya tak rasa seronok bersorak untuk orang. just love doing it ;-)he escaped daripada acara tarik tali though, sungguh tak adil. he chicken out coz all pink team mates kurus2 semuanya except for... him. they decided to pull out. such a spoil sport tak dapat aku nak bersorak lagi. ;-P

and i apart from sharing the kids and hubby's happiness, i met an old friend dari tempat kerja pertama aku di port klang dulu. of all the places in the world kami bertemu semula after 7 years di AB. wow... kami bakal berjiran rupanya. she bought a house di lorong belakang rumahku, dekat sungguh. i had a really great time catching up with her.

all in all it was a great day. everyone having such a great time. the kids despite not winning the colouring competition brought back stationery set sorang satu. phew at least that would stop them from whining why they didn't won the competition. good night!


  1. seronok tengok..btw..rumah tu kat alam budiman yg kat u10 shah alam tu yer? Kakak saya pun duk kat alam budiman gak..nanti2 bleh la datang wat lawatan ek..

  2. haha..fahmi ada bakat la...kalo dania n nadzim..satu warna saje for the whole thing...sama je warna muka ngan baju..ekekke..xleh nk ckp apa..sbb mama n ayah nye pun keras-tangan....haha

  3. best nya...blum pindah dah feel part of the neighbourhood. when is the official move in date? seronok nya bab pindah randah ni, seronok mengemas :)

    erk...yes, perfect HM look tu hehe

  4. anna,
    kakak anna duduk lorong berapa? ehh klu gitu bleh ler singgah selalu nnti (bila ntah ler ye?)

    itu subjek kegemaran ni klu x melukis mewarna. kekdg balik umah jejak kaki rasa berhabuk, dia dok asah pensil colour atas lantai x berhenti!

    pn sally,
    mmg seronok sgt smpi sakit2 badan 1 week ni tu yg x larat nak blogging hehehe.

    ni belum start mengemas utk pindah, klu betul2 dekat nak pindah harus demam sebulan! ngeri pulak
