Monday 25 May 2009

Up & About

alhamdulillah my fever has gone and i'm back to work as usual, as if nothing had actually happen to me during the weekend. except i'm suffering from sleep deprivation. uaghhh! so sleepy. ada orang telah membuat bunyi2an yang menggangu tidurku sampai pukul 2pagi tak boleh nak tidur. hadoiii tolonglah kasihani aku.

bengkak pada kelenjar tekakku juga dah gone. alhamdulillah i can take solid food seperti biasa which is good sebab badanku yang masih terasa lemah dek demam dan sakit sendi perlukan zat & nutrien. i think i just had a rheumatic fever, like the one i used to had masa tonsilku selalu kena infection dulu. the symptoms were the same. phewww! i thought once you had your tonsils removed semua masalah akan hilang. tapi sebenarnya my health have been much much better than before. dulu masa ada tonsil i had to cope with 10 series of flu and fever setahun. sejak my tonsils were removed, alhamdulillah my health dah improved... after 2 years cuma tahun ni je aku start dapat demam yang agak teruk sikit.

due to my fever last weekend i missed my weekend running. padahal aku dah berjanji dengan fahmi i'd bring him go running again. kesian pulak semalam dia bangun awal pagi tengok mama masih terbaring atas katil, daddy pulak dah menyusup keluar pergi jogging tak ajak dia. i promise myself i'd take him jogging with me this sunday coz i'm working sabtu ni.

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