Saturday 6 June 2009

Perahu Ride at Tasik Putyrajaya

i wasn't working yesterday; took the day off because i want to be with my children at home. hubby bising coz i didn't told him in advance that i planned to take leave on friday, so that he can take leave too. well, that's because i wasn't sure until late thursday afternoon that i can take leave. my work is so unpredictable.

well anyway he can't blame me for that because last week i did voice out my plan to take the children for a cruise at tasik putrajaya. an idea which he didn't find attractive enough to agree to. fair enough, kalau hubby tak suka but the kids suka it's fine by me, i alone can bring them for the cruise. which i did, yesterday morning.

i woke up as any other working day, wake the children and get to take bath walaupun fahmi agak berat nak buka mata, but becuase he was so excited about this whole cruise thing cepat dia bangun. we skipped breakfast at home, instead i bought nasi lemak bungkus and some kuihs for our picnic kat tasik putrajaya.

alhamdulillah walaupun aku tak reti sangat jalan kat putrajaya tu, tapi jumpa jugak tempat ni which is located kat belakang Jabatan Perdana Menteri (a place which i used to go on official work 5 years ago!). itupun after tersesat singgah kat kelab tasik putrajaya (which is jeti polis marin) masa mula2 sampai. patutlah hati rasa tak sedap je sebab mudah sangat jumpa lokasi nya. i drove another full round keliling seluruh pusat pentadbiran kerajaan kat sini baru jumpa JPM. masa tu terasa kalaulah aku tau cruise ni kat belakang JPM takdelah aku buang masa keliling dari satu blok ke satu blok. chett.

we took the perahu ride which cost us RM54 untuk 2 dewasa (me & kakak) and 2 children. the perahu can accomodate 6 people sebenarnya but there was only 4 of us, it was kind of the management to make an exception. kenapa tak ambil cruise ride yang air-conditioned tu? well, for a start rate dia agak mahal dan kedua kan lebih seronok dapat tengok pemandangan terus sambil disapa angin speoi2 kat tasik tu rather than having to look through glass window? by the way, bukannya panas pun dok dalam perahu tu.

yang kelakarnya fahmi tersangat gayat naik perahu sampai dia tak berani bergerak sebab takut jatuh. while yaya tersangat gedik & excited asyik bergerak sana sini dalam perahu to the extend nak julur kaki dalam tasik. punyalah chirpy mulut cik minah dia bercakap sampai pak din tukang bawa perahu tu kata rumah kami tentu tak sunyi sebab mulut yaya so riuh. oh yes! memang tak sunyi lebih2 lagi kalau dia bergaduh dengan abang dia. macam orang beranak 10!

pity i forgot to bring my camera sebab takde satu photo kenangan pun yang dapat kami bawa balik and share with you. kelam kabut nak bersiap pagi semalam sampai lupa ambil camera. *sigh* rugi! owh but i still keep tiket naik perahu tu... bolehlah simpan dalam album as memento...hah!

beginilah rupa perahu yang kami naik. pic courtesy from cruisetasikputrajaya


  1. time bw aku sekali naik perahu

  2. nak bawa ko takut bb lam peyut ko tu pening lalat naik perahu hehehe. anyway, regret tak singgah jumpa ko padahal dah dekat kan?
