Friday 10 July 2009

Fahmi's Report Card Day

we (me & hubby) were invited by the school to collect fahmi's report card and to discuss our son's first half semester progress at school on wednesday. i went alone as hubby had urgent inspection of goods at his workplace.

fahmi tagged along as his class teacher (teacher lilies suraya) briefed me on his progress. he seems to be doing very well in his half semester exam and scored 99.94% to finish 3rd in his class of 17 pupils. the other two top student in his class are girls, one by the name lydia ( i reckon fahmi mention her name a couple of times) who grabbed the no. 1 trophy and the other i didn't quite get her name. he scored 100% for all other 5 subjects except for spelling which he made 2 mistakes to earn 96% only. he spelled the word 'bola' wrongly. apparently my boy has no patient to sit and check the spelling that he wrote before he hand over his exam paper back, it is not the case that he doesn't know how to spell the word 'bola'.

i am relieved that he did so well in his exam, because knowing him and based on the feedbacks given by the teachers before this, i know my boy is such a naughty and playfull at school. it is a wonder that he pays attention at all in the class. owh, and according to teacher lilies, he has a new partner in crime, an indian boy who is slightly smaller than him.

when teacher lilies mention the boy's name, i quickly reckon that this is the boy that fahmi used to bully before. owh well, bukanlah bully pun, it's just that one day i saw fahmi giving the boy his killing stare i believe to scare the boy away because he was having fun with a bunch of friends when this boy came over, attempted to join them. so, finally the boy became his new partner in crime uh? teacher lilies had to make fahmi as the 'ketua kelas' just to make him more disciplined. i admire teacher lilies approach and think i'm going to apply the same approach at home whenever he & yaya starts getting into their mischievious act.

i told fahmi just now, that if he maintains his result until end of the school semester, i'm going to get him a present, something that he fancy most. another transformer toy, fahmi ask. we'll see my son.

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