Saturday 1 August 2009

The Last Journey

butir-butir perjalanan...

dari : bukit beruntung
ke : hulu langat
melalui : rasa - dusun tua - selayang - batu caves - lebuhraya hulu kelang - ampang
masa : 3 jam
tujuan : pengkebumian arwah my uncle who passed away on friday night

just imagine perjalanan terakhir arwah my uncle yang meninggal dunia jumaat malam baru2 ni untuk dikebumikan di hulu langat semata-mata kerana nak mengelakkan road block polis disebabkan demonstrasi anti-ISA hari ini.

rombongan 8-9 biji kereta mengiringi van jenazah terpaksa detour dan ambil jalan jauh sebab we were worried of being held up by the road block.

my uncle has been sick for quite sometime. he has been discharge by the hospital and asked to be taken home by the doctors after all possible measure to heal his ailment were exhausted. he was first diagnosed with hepatitis A which lead to liver failure. the last time i saw him was exactly a month ago at his home. though he was not bedridden back then but he look weak. he knew he wouldn't last long, the doctors said so. but he has the soul of a fighter. on the day he was brought to HUKM due to breathing difficulty and acute pain he asked to be transferred to selayang hospital because he feels more comfortable to discussed his future with his doctor.

on his last day he asked my mum to pray for his recovery and he asked my father who is his older brother if my father thinks he would be okay. to his last statement my father was stunned, he couldn't say anything for fear he would only give his ailing brother who was facing death a false hope. i believe my father was choking with his own tears for he knows he is about to lose one brother soon. my parents left the ward at about 2pm and returned home in seremban.

it was that night (on the very same date) that i received another call from my mum & dad. they told me that they are going back to see my uncle who is on his deathbed in selayang hospital. i may not be that close to my uncles but i'm sure not going to turn my back on anyone of them, especially not to one who is on his deathbed. i would have endure the 1 hour drive to fetch my parents and bring them to see my uncle for the last time but i was told to wait for them at home. i waited until the first hour passed by until eventually the phone call came from daddy, my uncle had passed away.

jenazah was brought to bukit beruntung, my dad's youngest sister's house. the next day on saturday the jenazah was brought to hulu langat to be buried at the deceased children's request. i felt that perjalanan dari bukit beruntung melalui rasa - dusun tua - selayang - batu caves - hulu kelang - ampang was the most ridiculous route i've ever encountered. bertambah ridiculous lagi bila kesemua 9 biji kereta tak familiar with that route terpaksa berkonvoi tapi terpaksa berpecah akhirnya bila sampai persimpangan ke hulu kelang di batu caves. heavy traffic menyebabkan ada yang tercicir.

finally kereta2 yang terpisah dari konvoi termasuk kereta ku terpaksa cari jalan sendiri. yang lucunya hubby tersilap naik hi-way ke kuantan dan kami makan angin di kaki genting highlands dengan jalan yang berlekuk2 sampai my dad yang tak biasa naik kereta jadi mabuk dibuatnya! pelik tapi benar, kami yang dah biasa balik pantai timur melalui hi-way karak pun boleh silap jalan. as if we don't know ke mana arah tujunya! lebih teruk bila road block di depan tol karak semakin teruk. we wasted almost 40mins, by the time we hit lebuhraya ampang again jenazah dah selamat dikebumikan. itulah takdir namanya, tak siapa boleh merancang atau mengubahnya. kun fa ya kun...

apapun ada juga yang berkata kalaulah kami redah juga laluan biasa biarpun held up by roadblocks tak mungkin kami had to endure 3 hours journey. tak mungkin selama itu. but the traffic sekitar kl memang teruk, sepanjang perjalan balik we were held up by 2 roadblocks. what a waste of time, what a waste of resource!

penatnya hari ni sebab sejak malam tadi aku tak cukup tidur. bawa my parents melawat jenazah di bukit beruntung sampai jam 4pagi. langsung tak tidur sampai subuh, agaknya mata dah tak mau pejam, otak sarat fikirkan macam2. i better go to bed. esok kena bangun awal sebab ada hari sukan fahmi. then immediately after kena bawa my parents ke kenduri kawin my second cousin di port klang. a Wedding and a Funeral minggu ni dah cukup buat aku rasa totally drain out.

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