Tuesday 27 October 2009

Our Dilemma

with our plan to move in to our new house by end of november, it is anticipated that these few weeks approaching that date and few weeks thereafter going to be the most hectic weeks in our life.

bukan setakat packing and unpacking things aja, but with kerja-kerja memasang cabinet yang masih belum siap dan basic essentials yang belum cukup lengkap tambah kelam kabut jadinya. itu baru hal rumah yang akan diduduki nanti. perkara lain yang perlukan perhatian kami ialah finding a suitable school for our children. fahmi's current kindy dah mula bagi borang untuk registration for next year school semester, yaya's smart reader pun dah bagi registration form with fees structure. but we have to pass sebab next year kami dah tak tinggal sini lagi.

fahmi will be 6 in january, while yaya will turn 5 next year. kalau sebelum ni hanya fahmi aja yang betul2 attend daily kindy, next year yaya will have to follow suit. we did our survey tapi tak banyak kindy yang reliable kat area U10. kat AB sendiri cuma ada tadika manja ceria (yang dah ditarik lesen program lil caliph) and another kindy yang yet to be launch. i heard they going to name it tadika mindaemas. sounds promising but i've never heard of it before. is it another franchise programme?

we (me & hubby) dah discuss. we are not going to send fahmi or yaya to tadika manja ceria especially now with their licensed revoked dan macam-macam hal lain yang tak settle. that's left us looking for other kindy di luar AB but within U10. di neighbouring nusa rhu ada Q-dees, hubby's friends kata bagus. but we have to pass sebab fees dia a bit too high for us. yang tinggal kini cuma smart reader di sunway kayangan dengan annual and monthly fees yang affordable. unfortunately with my impending plan to "look for greener pastures" (since it won't necessarily comes with better $$ package), $$$ is going to be very tight, we can only accomodate 1 seat for smart ready kindy but not 2. iskkk...

itulah yang menyebabkan kami suami isteri bertegang urat sekejap. bukannya gaduh pun, it's just that cara kami brainstorming tu kadang2 so intense, tapi lepas tu bila otak masing2 dah cair mencurah2 ilham tiba hehehe.

so begini ilham yang aku dapat:

Fahmi will get the priority seat ke smart reader kindy next year.

Di bahu fahmi sebagai anak sulung ada tanggungjawab yang besar untuk beri contoh yang baik kepada adik dia. He is the role model, apa yang dibuat akan mempengaruhi adik dia. So we have to do it right with him in order to do better with yaya.

We also note yang fahmi ni his nakal side can get the better of him dan mengganggu konsentrasi terhadap pelajaran. He needed to be put under a rigorous program yang boleh mengawal tingkah laku dia dengan lebih strict. We want to give him as much exposure he can absorb, let him have the best for now supaya nanti bila dia dah pandai berfikir sendiri hopefully ilmu yang dia dapat ni membantu dia buat keputusan masa depan. Phewww! that's a very serious note!

Yaya for now she has to settled for a normal kindy. kemungkinan besar tadika mindaemas.

Yaya masih ada 2 tahun lagi untuk dapat pendidikan pre-school. We took into account that she is the type yang suka belajar, apa je new lesson yang abang dia belajar dia akan menyibuk juga nak ambil tahu, buku iqra' abang dia pun dia dah boleh baca. So we intend to manipulate her interest for books and lesson and her openness to be train/educate and her easy reception towards ilmu. Let her go to normal kindy, but at the same time she will (I believe) benefit from ilmu dan pendedahan yang abang dia dapat. At this stage we feel that it is much easier to shape her. God willing, bila dia turns 6 nanti iaitu bila fahmi dah masuk standard 1, giliran yaya pula ke smart reader. Hey, we can even continue sending her to saturday tutorial class next year.

Parenting, tak semudah yang aku pernah bayangkan. takde buku yang boleh mengajar dengan tepat. we are writing our children's path... aku berdoa sangat2 yang we make the right choice for them. we have so much hope for them... well which parents don't. dengan $$$ constraint, this is the best arrangement i can think off.


  1. kak lia..x sabar nak tgk rumah br kak lia.....nanti jgn lupa buat house warming n jemput kitaorg..lama x mkn masakan kak lia...kekekekeke

    Q-dees lg mahai dr SR ek? kat banting nih Q-dees murah ckit dr SR.dok pening jugak nih since 2 org tuh dah mcm org x betul dok kat rumah....

  2. watie,
    heheheh... nnti klu wat hse warming mkn jemput2 je jgn x dtg tau! hihi... klu wat potluck aci x? nak jugak rasa masakan org tu, asyik tgk dlm blog dia ajer menjejeh air liur!

    hmm mcm mana fees qdees n SR x standardise ye. haha watie, hani & ichlas tu dah makin membesar, dia tgh byk energy kena channel kan betul2, x larat kita je nak melayan nya, lebih kurang je dgn my pair

  3. x lama lg kita dok umh dekat ler yer .. senang nak order kek ;-)

  4. ha'ah diana, dekat lah kita... nnti singgah selalu
