Thursday 5 November 2009

Bengang Tahap Gaban

sure gaban pun pelik apasal tetiap kali orang bengang sebut nama dia.

during my visit to our new house last week i was happy to see that furbishing works are in progress. the contractors were busy fixing the wardrobes. we have carcass wardrobe at the walk in-robe and a 9 feet wardrobe in our masterbedroom. we ordered the kids wardrobe to be in white-pink color for yaya and white-blue color for fahmi. we insisted the wardrobe frame to be made from plywood instead of chipboard mainly for its durability. we were happy that the contractor is willing to offer us rm250 per foot run for the wardrobes.

but i was so upset today when i found out from hubby (who had a meeting with the contrcator on our kitchen cabinet) that the color combination for my children's wardrobe were totally out. instead of white-pink it became white-red, and white-blue became white-orange! they used lighter tone finishing for maid's wardrobe as opposed to darker tone that we chose. i was upset by this point of time. but that's not then end of it. what change my mood from upset to outrage was when hubby told me that the contractor confess that they had mistakenly ordered chipboard frames for the wardrobes instead of plywood as agreed!

rasa menggelegak darah kat kepala aku. dah lah last week aku upset sikit bila tengok table top yang diaorang buat kurang kemas cantuman tiles nya. pastu ada area yang kami tak suruh naikkan simen dari lantai diaorang buat jugak. bila tengok wardrobe sedang dipasang hati aku berbunga lah sikit. tapi rupa2nya hampeh.

tau jelah aku ni kalau aku dah naik marah memang serupa hantu, serupa banshee pun ada jugak. i was so mad rasa nak torture je diaorang tu. kucakap kat hubby better get them changed the color combination and redo the frames kalau tak nak tengok banshee meroyan.

i'm so pissed off sebab before ni dah kerap diaorang buat kesilapan, walaupun pada orang lain nampak kecil tapi pada aku itu menunjukkan betapa lah diaorang suka ambil mudah tak check kerja dan tak check order sheet langsung! sebelum ni diorang silap tebuk lubang downlight plaster ceiling kat hall, kat bilik tidur padahal semua tu kami dah siap provide layout plan. hubby spent so much time buat drawing siap dengan notes bagai.

pastu silap tebuk lubang untuk cooker hob, kami juga yang kena bagitau depa dah buat silap. tiap kali kami cakap sesuatu semua dia kata boleh buat takde yang tak boleh, bila kami minta itu ini semua dia kata ada. tapi bila siap lain pulak cerita. macam mana aku tak angin satu badan. aku ni dah lah jenis pendiam, sikit2 punya hal aku rilek dulu tapi janganlah cuba2 nak push aku to the limit, kalau aku rasa macam dah menyusahkan hidup aku memang aku mengamuk.

dengan rectification works ni semua betul2 mengganggu schedule perpindahan kami. rasanya memang dah behind schedule sangat dah ni... sangat sangat tension nak pindah masuk rumah sendiri ye?

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