Tuesday 19 January 2010

Salin Kulit

We’ve been meaning to paint few rooms in our house kononnya nak buat feature wall before we moved in. but we never get around to do it because of the delays in refurbishing works. We were busy with the children’s school registration and re-organising things in the new house in December. So I planned to decorate and paint the rooms in January. Unfortunately hubby wasn’t in the mood for paint work in the past few weeks whereas I was extremely occupied with baking I couldn’t do the paint work myself.

Last weekend selepas kejadian ben10 disaster - something that i will talk about in my next entry - we went straight to the hardware store to buy the paint. Dalam hati berharap moga2 bila tengok rumah berubah warna nanti reda lah sikit kesedihan dek ben10 disaster. I am so in to brown, but brown seems dah out dated sikit sebab I’ve been reeling over brown for a year now. Tapi nak move on to a new colour kena ambil masa yang lama pulak nak build up ‘kecintaan’ pada warna baru. Alamatnya sampai kesudahlah tak bercat dinding tu nanti.i have this thing about colour, kalau tahun tu mood aku ke arah purple, maka semua benda daripada baju, bedsheet etc mesti purple. Tahun ni belum sampai lagi idea baru warna apa nak guna so I stick to brown.

We bought satu tin 5litre jotun paint in brown colour with orange hue. They have macam2 shades of brown sampai berpinar mata nak pilih. Hubby started painting the feature wall kat dining room dulu. I left him alone while I was busy making frozen currypuff in the kitchen. When he’s done halfway barulah kujenguk. Berdebar2 hati nak tengok the outcome but once I’ve seen rasa teruja sangat. It turns out as I expected, not too dark, I think the orange hue somewhow buat warna brown tu memantulkan cahaya so that the dining room takdelah nampak sempit. The dining room luas sebenarnya but once we erected the divider and put a 8 seater dining table jadi nampak kecil sikit ruang tu.

Hubby pun excited with the outcome he continued painting the feature wall kat living room pulak. Haha mood dia dah datang lah tu sampai suruh berhenti jamah minum petang pun tak mau. The chicken curry pau yang kubuat tak dijamah pun! Tu diaa… he only finishes painting pukul 7 petang.pau kari ayam gebu yang kufrozenkan. Bila2 nak makan defrost n letak dlm periuk nasi je

Walaupun kami suka dengan warna dinding baru tu tapi I realized that it’s going to take us a while juga nak get used with the new colours. For one warna asal putih menyebabkan rumah yang luas tu nampak too spacious. Have I mentioned before yang at one time hubby komen kata rumah kami nampak kosong sampai aku terpaksa beli day bed letak kat tv area supaya ruang nampak sedikit padat? the day bed that cost me an extra hole in my pocket!

Sekarang dengan dinding bercat coklat bila jejak je kaki masuk rumah mesti kami terpempam sekejap. Bukan apa kami tercari2 mana ruang yang luas dulu menghilang? Hahaha… I told hubby lepas ni tak yah sibuk2 tambah perabot lagi dah. ;-D
the dining room/area

our new living room


  1. kak lia, nak tengok lagiiii..tak puas =)
    anyway, cantik sgt colour cat tuh..
    congrate dah pindah umah baru =)

  2. acik,
    tu jelah gambo yg ader, itupun rumah masih byk ruang kosong tak berhias. dinding cat lawa2 pun tak tempek frame gambar ke apa lagi...tunggu acik dtg lah bg idea cemana nak deco buleh?
    heh jemput dtg umah hari sabtu ni ye from 4pm to 6.30pm.
