Sunday 11 April 2010

Banyak Aktiviti

erm banyak sangatlah aktiviti hari ni konon.
pagi2 lepas solat subuh (subuh gajah!) kejut the children. i took the children for a run while hubby seperti biasa pergi cycling with his gang. oh yes, eversince dia form (secara tak rasmi) a cycling club ni, he spent less and less time for activities with us. grrrr!
i managed to do 3 rounds of running around the lake at our home before i retired. itupun yaya dah mengadu sakit kaki and retired after 1 round.
walk back home, collect sekotak cupcakes tempahan customer pastu terus pergi hantar. tak yah mandi lah tak sempat dah... heheh busyukkk!
tengahari malas nak masak coz hubby pergi kenduri, so i just cook garlic butter rice and grill dory fillet sekeping. lauk pauk mentah dah takde!
sambil2 tu mengerjakan buat kuih koci. selesai mengukus dah dekat pukul 2.30pm. naik ke bilik solat zuhur then acara kuak lentang atas katil with yaya. hahaha...
petang pergi collect barbie doll untuk buat doll cake for one customer ni. balik dari collect doll tu kami anak beranak mengerjakan kebun depan laman rumah.
now at almost 11pm ni... my unuse muscles kat kaki and pinggang dah menjerit2 sakit. ada yang jalan mengangkang esok nih.

p/s: i've found my wit, no?

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