Monday 5 April 2010

Lain Padang, Lain Belalang, Lain Orang, Lain Ragam...

Fahmi is recovering from tonsil infection. His body temperature has gone back to normal, thanks to antibiotics and paracetamol syrup prescribed by his paed. He has gone back to school despite nenek’s prediction that he will need to stay at home come Monday. I hate the idea of my children staying away from school longer than necessary, unless it is really necessary. Because I don’t want them to miss out on school. Thank God he fell ill during the beginning of the weekend (don’t get me wrong I’m neither happy nor sad if my children fall ill, it is a process that every one has to go through, we are human after all), which means I have 2 days to take care of him and give him the best treatment I could provide – that is mother’s TLC. Alhamdulillah he is ok now, but still need to complete the course of the medicines given.

Tonsillitis… ni semua inherit dari mama. Both my children ada tonsillitis. It is easier with fahmi sebab dia rajin makan ubat. And the speed of his recovery pun lebih cepat compared to yaya sebab dia masih mahu makan walaupun tekak sakit. Whereas yaya she’s a bit resistance when it comes to ubat, inikan pula nak disuruh makan memang dia tak mau. Ketakutan dia terhadap sakit nak menelan makanan overcome keinginan dia nak cepat sembuh.

Now, mama pula sakit. Bukanlah sakit teruk, but I’m having a very bad stomach ache sejak malam tadi. Must be something rotten or infected in my food semalam. Adehhh…

meh layan mata tengok foto2 dulu dan kini laman depan rumah. we started to plant pokok berdaun lebar dan rumput filipina ni lepas pindah masuk rumah.

December 2009
pokok berdaun lebar ni apa ntah nama dia ye? birah udang ke? susah sungguh nak membela dia bila beralih ke tanah baru. my abah tolong pasakkan kayu supaya pokok tak rebah ke tanah masa mula2 alih dulu.

April 2010
now after 4 months walaupun tak selebat seperti masa kami tanam kat subang perdana dulu but at least banyak anak2 pokok dah mula keluar, daunnya pun hijau2 belaka

yang ni pula rumput filipina yang kutanam. punyalah kedekut orang lain tanam rapat2, aku ni nak jimat punya pasal sekeping rumput aku potong tiga pastu tanam jarak2.

December 2009

April 2010
now rumput dah menjalar tutup lompong2 tu. tapi every now and them kami kena tabur tanah in between the squares supaya rumput lebih cepat menjalar dan tutup penuh rapat2.
nampak tak pokok kaffir lime new addition to our laman. baru petang semalam kubuang ulat bulu yang menyamar menyerupai batang pokok. habis dedaunnya carik dan berlubang2 diratah ulat. dan pokok purple button tu dah makin tenat after 4 months... jenis tak tahan lasak juga dia. nak kugantikan dengan rumput bawang berbunga purple dan putih nanti.


  1. adeh lama x jenguk blog kak .. terliur tgk g,br baklava tue ..rasanyer camner eh kak ..senang ker nak buat ??? nanti rajin updates resipe infom sy ok..thanks ;-)

  2. hi diana,
    yup sama lah kita bukan setakat lama x menjenguk blog, bersua muka apatah lagi ye :-).
    okies going to update the recipe sat lagi.
