Monday 19 April 2010

Running Update

Went for our morning run at the lakeside yesterday. The children took along their bike, which I had to help to carry setiap kali nak cross the quiet road and go down the steps approaching the lake. Before we reached the lake I was already sweating. What an easy way to warm up :-). Oh … and hubby joined us, after all the sweating from lifting the bikes alone and already into my 2nd round barulah nampak batang hidung dia:-P . but we didn’t get to spent time that long with him before his cycling club mates steal him from us to lead their Sunday cycling. Another :-P . Kalaulah tak diangkat jadi cycling club president tak taulah nak kata apa :-P.

Surprisingly, my muscles dah tak menjerit sakit lagi dah. Tak pasti disebabkan kasut running baru atau perumpamaan melayu kata “alah bias tegal biasa”? you all rasa which one?

Whatever it is, I want to get fit and build up my stamina balik, biar badan rasa sihat dan aktif. Same goes with the children. orang kata (orang mana pun tak taulah) kalau parents maintain aktif lifestyle anak2 pun mengikut juga. Which is true juga sebab my mum dulu masa I kecil tersangatlah aktif bersukan. Selalu I follow dia ke mana2 aja team netball PERKEP ada netball match. Keaktifan my mum bersukan tu menurun kat anak2 perempuan dia yang semuanya masuk team netball sekolah, volleyball, acara balapan etc and her sons pun sama aktif with football and volleyball.

As for my children it is still early for me to predict which sports they’ll into sebab I don’t do netball anymore (but would love to!) and their father is not into any sports but cycling (itu kira sukan jugak kan?). So buat masa sekarang my aim is nak bawa the children masuk mini jogathon. Don’t ask me mini jogathon mana coz I don’t know yet. Maklum jelah baru je berjinak2 balik dengan larian, stamina pun takde lagi. Kalau dulu masa muda mudi zaman sekolah rajin lah sangat masuk jogathon (marathon tak larat sih). Nanti bila dah berjaya build up stamina insyaAllah nak register myself and the children mana-mana mini jogathon sekitar shah alam ni.

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