Saturday 22 May 2010

Self Assessment

Wohooo! Happy sangat sebab ukur lilit pinggang and thighs saya dah mengecil sikit. Jeans kegemaran saya pun sudah longgar melurut ke hips, seluar kerja saya (yes I wear pants only to work except on Friday when I resort to typical malay dress which is baju kurung) pun agak menggelebeh sikit tapi saya kisah, janji saya happy. Takdelah saya nampak chubby masa wedding adik saya nanti hehe. Ni berkat cut down on rice sejak 2 minggu lepas. Cepat jugak Nampak kesannya kan. Alhamdulillah. I wasn’t too happy with the extra kilos that I gain sejak lepas raya tahun lepas. I was just too busy with work and baking and moving house, bila cepat letih tapi kerja banyak I took the easiest way to boost my energy by consuming high sugar foods and carbo. Akhirnya sakit hati sendiri bila stomach bulge, hips widen and pakai jeans jadi sendat kat area thighs.

The fact that hubby is in to diet and very much in to makanan rebus and soups also helps memudahkan saya shed the extra kilos. After 2 weeks my extra inches dah takde while his extra kilos masih belum berjaya dibuang. Dia bengang sebab dah dekat 2 bulan he’s on diet and rigorous off the road biking tapi bila timbang berat masih sama! If he cut on food kat rumah but still lepak-lepak for drinks and snack and what not kat kedai kopi with his friends (macam semalam when I caught him at the kopitiam near our house) macam mana lah nak turun. Who knows what he has been eating out there. Lepas tu balik rumah mulalah dia merungut and bising salahkan masakan saya.

Lagi satu, saya dah cakap banyak kali kat dia, biking tak boleh tolong dia kempiskan perut or turunkan berat badan, he has to do other exercise yang bersesuain. Tapi dia tak percaya. Biking is actually good to improve fitness and cardiovascular. One good thing yang saya observe is that he has been drinking plenty of plain water to replace the water that he shed through sweats while biking. Which is good sebab kulit dia semakin licin sekarang. Kembang kempis hidung dia bila saya puji tempohari. Whereas me, for the past 3 months kulit saya bersih daripada zits, rasa macam tak percaya walhal saya tak buat apa2 pun hehe. Semalam masa fetch anak-anak buah from my sister's house pun my sister tanya apa saya pakai sampai kulit licin. Nak tercekik air liur saya, kulit saya mungkin licin buat masa ini until when saya pun tak tahu tapi tidak lah clear (bersih) coz ada banyak bintik-bintik hitam, warna tak sekata dan parut jerawat kecil. Apapun, hopefully my hormones dah tak goes raging lagi dah setiap kali pms (pasal tu no zits?). Elok sangatlah umur saya pun dah bertambah, asyik berjerawat je macam anak remaja! ;-)

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