Friday 16 July 2010

Oatmeal Chocolate Chip Cookies

Malam isnin lepas solat Isyak saya curi-curi juga masa untuk laksanakan agenda kinder cooking yang tertangguh. Ikutkan penat memang malas, tapi mengenangkan the next few days kita tak boleh jangka apa yang berlaku, jadi sebaiknya lah buat apa yang boleh dibuat sementara ada masa. Lagipun saya risaukan nasib 2 bar chocolate Cadbury dalam fridge yang saya simpan untuk ramuan choc cip cookies resipi baru ni. Dah banyak kali Cadbury tu nyaris jadi habuan yaya.

Cakap pasal resipi baru choc chip cookies ni, bukanlah resipi rekaan saya. It’s called Neiman Marcus Chocolate Chip Cookies. I’m sure ramai yang pernah dapat email berantai pasal resipi ni kan, dan ada version yang sama cuma tukar tajuk kepada Famous Amos Chocolate Chip Cookies. It’s about how a lady yang furious for being charged USD250 for the recipe and seeking revenge by circulating the recipe around. The claim that the recipe was from Neiman Marcus and being charged was a hoax. For Neiman Marcus refute such claim and later give away their original recipe for free – if you are interested you may get it from their website. Tapi recipe yang saya cuba malam tadi bukanlah original recipe, I tried the recipe yang circulated through the hoax email instead. Bahan-bahannya agak banyak compared to other more simpler recipe but I want to give it a try and see sama ada recipe itu akan turns out good. Which it did! It taste sooo good, so rich and so chocolaty! Crunchy and chewy at the same time just the way I imagine it to be. It taste much much better than the one I made few months ago.

I made half recipe aja sebab takut tak menjadi mulanya. Here is the half recipe of what I called Oatmeal Choc Chip Cookies – saja tukar nama coz nanti confuse dengan Neiman Marcus’s original recipe.

1 cup butter
1 cup brown sugar
1 cup caster sugar – kurangkan kepada ¾ cup pun ok
2 eggs
2 cups all purpose flour
2 ½ cups oatmeal – kisar halus
1 tsp soda bicarbonate
1 tsp baking powder
1 tsp vanilla essence
340g chocolate chips
250gm Cadbury chocolate – grated
100gm white chocolate chips (yang ni saya tambah untuk gantikan chopped nuts)

Using a hand mixer cream the butter with brown and caster sugar until pale and fluffy. Add eggs one at a time. Add vanilla essence, flour mixture and powdered oatmeal. Using a spatula, kacau rata grated Cadbury choc, choc chips and white choc chips. I cover the bowl with cling wrap and leave the dough in the fridge for 10-15mins supaya lebih mudah nak scoop the dough. If you want to use it straight away pun ok je.

Bake in the oven for 15-20mins dengan kepanasan 180C. Dalam resipi asal disebut bake for 10mins je tapi when I check the cookies were still undone so 20mins tu kira maximum lah bergantung kepada berapa besar saiz your cookies. My first batch were quite big so it took full 20mins untuk masak. Don’t wait until the cookies fully harden dalam oven, keluarkan cookies from the oven masa bahagian tengah cookies masih agak moist. The cookies akan mengeras masa disejukkan di luar oven and you will get a crunchy chewy result.

My cookies are a bit too sweet, next time I will reduce the sugar by a quarter or half cup. Lagipun sebab saya guna milk chocolate and banyak jenis choc chips so bertambah kemanisannya.

So kesimpulannya, next time dapat recipe from email lagi you got to try it before you dump the email in to your trash bin. I almost did. And I almost miss this yummy discovery! Whoever yang create this recipe, I want you to know that your choc chip cookies are simply the best so far. ;-) ;-)


  1. sedap yer biskut nih...mesti crunchy kan..

  2. yup mmg crunchy... mmg sedap pasal resipi orang lah kan, resipi sdri blom tentu heheh wat lah utk raya wati
