Friday 26 November 2010

2 More Days To Go

We are counting 2 more days to go before our Fahmi dikhatankan!
This week has been such a big week for him beginning from his concert day cum graduation day to his circumsize day.
We have set on getting him circumsize sejak 3 months ago. That was when our surau announce that they are organising berkhatan beramai-ramai untuk anak-anak kariah alam budiman masa cuti sekolah nanti. Some may say that we make our decision in haste tapi kalau anda fahami health problem yang Fahmi facing you'll agree with me that getting him circumsize at age 6 is a right decision. Lagipun these days ramai yang get their boys circumsize at younger age, sorang kawan get her baby boy circumsize masa umur 6-7 months while anak tiri my sister dikhatankan before he reaches 5 years old.

Kalau Fahmi rasa berdebar dan takut nak berkhatan, myself apatah lagi. Saya takut, berdebar dan bimbangkan anak saya yang ketakutan itu. Takut dia sakit, takut dia chicken out! Saya tak pasti if I have prepared him well to face the day, I have no experience at all sebab he is my first child and barangkali my first and only experience mengkhatankan anak. Saya pun tak banyak tanya orang yang dah berpengalaman. I hardly know what it was like for my 2 brothers masa diaorang berkhatan dulu because I never really ask them. Sama macam young girls first period is a taboo topic those days, boys berkhatan pun orang tak bincang openly. Kalau dengar hubby's experience bunyinya macam a bit horrific with the injection and all tapi as time goes by the procedure mesti dah berubah, so am putting aside his experience as unreliable source untuk zaman ini. We don't have the privilege of consulting the doctor yang akan perform the khatan sebab until today kami belum diberitahu which doctor or which clinic yang AJK surau engage.

So what I did for the past 3 months was preparing my boy mentally for this day. Dia takut, itu sudah tentu bila dengar your bird nak kena potong, who wouldn't. But it's not the same like what lorena did when she 'bobbit'kan her husband. Of course I never mention about this bobbit thing to my boy. We did talk to him about the procedure to the best of our knowledge. We explain to him on why it has to be perform and why it has to be now. He is afraid, mula-mula dulu dia cakap dia tak mau bersunat. But we never give him the option of not having it done. After all the explanation, we let him get used to it. Kijamm! Memang bunyinya kejam macam kami memaksa but hey there's no other way to deal with it kan. Sama ada hari ini atau pun esok ataupun next year, dia tetap kena khatan.

Owhh, tapi ada 'gula-gula' nya juga. We promised him that we will buy him anything he want (read: anything yang munasabah aja lah). Kami beri dia peluang untuk pilih 2 benda yang dia paling idam kan. We should know that bila kami buka pintu untuk dia meminta there's a fat chance he's going to ask for benda yang bukan-bukan. Mula-mula dia minta KUCING! Yes, anak-anak saya suka sangat main dengan kucing padahal diaorang tu asthmatic. The choice was ruled out immediately by hubby. Lepas tu Fahmi macam tak tau dah nak minta apa. Funny bila kita beri dia peluang minta apa saja dia takde idea pulak padahal saya tahu apa sebenarnya yang dia idamkan but saya sengaja nak uji dia. Atau barangkali there are so many things he wants cuma bila disuruh pilih 2 saja dia dah tak tahu nak prioritise. So hubby did suggest to buy him a tri-scooter macam kat bawah ni.
This tri-scooter I can order from one of the merchant listed in my credit card purchase offer tapi nantilah dulu.

For his 2nd gift dia dah tak ada idea bila permintaan nak bela kucing ditolak. Baru-baru ini saya dapat satu idea nak bagi dia surprise gift. Saya tahu dia suka sangat main benda ini tapi saya dan hubby tak galakkan because kami tak mahu his interest in this thing grows sampai ke tahap addicted to it. But hey, if there is one thing I could do to reward him for being brave to go under the knife and jarum and benang and what not, why not? So we've bought him this...
We bought this from a computer accessories shop in digital mall at Subang Parade last week. Jangan ketawa kan game yang cokia ini sebab I have no intention of encouraging my children to become an addict to games apatah lagi menjerat diri beli PS3. Cukuplah yang cokia with 12 built in games ini asalkan diaorang tak kacau main games kat my handphone lagi dah.

Kenapa ada dua? Satu lagi tu untuk adik dia yang sibuk nak menempel juga bila kami offer reward to her brother. Orang lain yang nak kena potong orang lain yang dapat tempias reward.


  1. ishk..awalnyer kakak ko sunat fahmi ...emm umar n uzair maybe buat sekali nanti...tunggu besar skitlah...senang buat dedua terus...

  2. Tak boleh tangguh2 dah nok, si kulup banu dia tu slalu tersumbat, kena infection bagai. Doc advise suh potong, itu je cara nak selesaikan mslh dia. Sok lps sunat kang membesar bagai johan anak aku tuh.

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