Thursday 4 November 2010


It has been a while since I blog about my children. As a working mother juggling between my office work and my hobby seringkali saya terlupa tanpa rela sekejap pada anak-anak. Pun begitu they are always around me jadi saya tahu apa mereka buat, apa mereka suka dan tak suka etc.

My princess yang sekarang ni suka cari gaduh dengan mama. She has a fetish for fruits in a cake as in fruit cake where she got to eat loads and loads of raisins – well raisins pun kira fruit juga kan sebab it originates from grapes, carrot cake for the same reason i.e. raisins! And … the prune layer cake that I recently learnt to bake.

My prune layer cake tersadai di dalam fridge for about a week, semua orang dah stop eating it. Myself pulak shift my kemaruk kepada Cadbury layer cake. Rupa-rupanya everybody stop eating the prune layer cake bukan sebab tak suka, tapi sebab kek tu duduk dalam fridge tak duduk depan batang hidung so semua ingat dah habis. I took it out on Saturday afternoon nak bawa pergi rumah my sister, daripada tersadai dalam fridge takde orang makan lebih baik bagi kat my sister. Serta mertalah Yaya kemaruk balik nak makan prune cake tu, sampaikan bila tiba kat rumah my sis, dia yang habiskan! Tiba-tiba saya terperasan persamaan lain antara ketiga-tiga kek di atas, not only the cakes rich in fruits pieces, all the 3 cakes flavor were enhanced with mixed spices powder i.e cinnamon for carrot cake, nutmeg for fruit cake and mixture of cinnamon, nutmeg and other spices for prune cake. She also likes the applesauce cake that I made with a hint of cinnamon. Spices and fruits goes well together.

My boy yang tak banyak cakap. He has a fetish for nasi goring. Buatlah nasi goring apa sekalipun, he can eat them for breakfast, lunch and sometimes he even ask us to leave some for dinner. Kalau makan kat luar we normally ordered nasi goring cina for him sebab walaupun dia boleh makan my lamb curry yang hot, but when it comes to nasi goring he likes it mild. Kalau kat rumah he likes my nasi goring sardine with plenty or hirisan bunga kantan and serai and recently he ask me to make nasi goring ikan masin pulak. That’s his other fetish – for ikan masin! Malam Sabtu lepas when my nieces were around I entertain them for a dinner treat di Bigfood. Fahmi sejak dua hari sebelum itu dah teringin nak makan spaghetti seafood, tapi bila sampai kat Bigfood dia tengok je menu terus tukar selera nak makan nasi goring! Apa-apa sajalah anak bujang saya dengan nasi goring ni.

Sekarang ni, my boy tengah demam. Ye, demam lagi padahal baru je baik demam tonsil tempohari. Kesian kat dia coz he missed a few papers masa exam week last week. Itupun belum sempat ambil exam paper yang dia missed tapi dah demam semula. Cepat-cepatlah sihat anak mama ni.

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