Friday 22 April 2011

Tarte Tatin Recipe

So here's the recipe I use to make tarte tatin. You can actually use pears or peaches aside from apples. Kalau guna apples I strongly recommend you to use Granny Smith apples... apple hijau tu yang masam (tart) bila blend dengan caramelised sugar memang umph rasa dia. Lagipun it is less watery. Kalau guna red apples masak cook apple tu banyak sangat juices yang keluar.

Whay You Need:
4-5 eating size Granny Smith's apples (epal hijau), peeled, deseeded and quatered - well in my case i cut them by 6 memang cukup 4 biji pakai habis
125gm sugar - if you use red apples than you may use only 100gm of sugar
25gm butter
1 teaspoon vanila flavour
1 recipe sourdough pastry or sweet shortcrust pastry (which ever you like) - in my case 1 make sweetcrust pastry sebab nak buat sourdough pastry tu kena guna sour cream.

Melt butter dalam pan, masukkan gula dan biar gula melt. Api biar sederhana dan kacau sesekali. Bila gula dah caramelised masukkan vanila flavour.
In the mean time, panaskan oven to 200degrees.
Transfer caramel ke baking pan or if you have deep pan yang bertangkai besi boleh guna terus masuk oven nanti so tak perlu ganti dengan baking pan. Letak baking pan atas stove dengan api perlahan. Susun epal satu persatu sampai penuh, biar betul-betul padat. Kalau tak muat tunggu sampai epal mengecut boleh tambah lagi. Let it cook for 10mins, lepas tu alih dari api dan roll your pastry lebihkan lebar 1inci daripada saiz pan tapi jangan terlalu nipis. Tutup atas caramelised apples, tucked in lebihan pastry di celah-celah pan. Now letak dalam oven and let it cook for 20-25min depending kepada oven anda. Saya punya saya biarkan je 25mins and it cooked to perfection!

Apple pie lovers should try this. I consider tarte tatin as upside down apple pie. If you have a sudden crave for apple pie but want to skip the chaos of preparing the filing, the crust and what not, maybe you should opt for tarte tatin to satisfy your sudden crave. It is easy to make and cut half of the time and amount of ingredient used to make an apple pie. And it taste so good you may not want to make another apple pie. The only difference is the taste of the pie filing. While apple pie filing is enhanced with cinnamon flavor, which I have to admit that cinnamon works wonder to tease your taste bud, well tarte tatin’s filing is missing the spicy flavor. Instead of cinnamon, the flavor is replaced by vanilla. But I like it anyway. You can always put a pinch or two cinnamon powder if you like.
Before I turn the tart upside down

And I have to say that I like it… in fact I loveee it.

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