Saturday 28 May 2011

Lucu Tapi Benar!

Saya suka baca news, articles and snippets at yahoo. You know the column with TODAY heading and today's date tu. Kadang nak baca suratkhabar takde masa just baca snippets kat situ jelah, cepat, entertaining and at times enlightening dan tak kurang juga amusing.

Macam article pasal pasta ni. Lucu dan tergelak sorang bila baca para no.4 'Don't dump the pasta water'. Macam mana tak lucu, artikel ni sangat related dengan kisah adik ipar (masa tu bakal) masa dia menyewa bilik kat rumah saya dulu. Dia ni rajin juga sesekali turun dapur tolong saya masak or paling tidak tolong makan hehe. Ada sekali tu saya tengah masak sos bolognese sambil rebus spaghetti and she was helping me to keep an eye at the 2 things yang sedang boiling while 1 attended to baby Yaya. Bila saya kembali ke dapur she commented something pasal kuah bolognese saya yang pekat. Dia kata dulu masa kelas ekonomi rumahtangga dia pernah kena masak spaghetti. Untuk pekatkan kuah bolognese tu dia campurkan air rebusan spaghetti, jadi pekatlah kuah dia. Cikgu dan kawan-kawan pun pujilah kuah dia sedap dan pekat tak macam orang lain punya cair je. Si dia ni punyalah kembang kempis hidung kena puji terus tersasul kongsi rahsia kepekatan sos yang dicampur air rebusan spaghetti. Terus tersentak si cikgu ni nak marah dah terlanjur makan, kembang tekak lah dia pun. Saya dan hubby ketawa sampai senak perut lucu membayangkan muka cikgu dan kawan-kawan dia yang tertipu.

Saya pun pada masa tu found her tactics agak menggelikan. Tapi bila baca article ni, rasa macam ehhh... biar benar. Tapi memang benar. Hahaha I guess her innocent experiment is not baseless because eventually the experts pun admits doing the same.

Incik hubby pun mesti ketawa bila baca article ni.

By Oliver Strand, Bon Appétit

The BA Pasta Manifesto

1. Forget the pot. Use a pan. Ever notice that the pasta you get at top-flight restaurants is different from what you make at home? It's glossy and luxurious, each strand of pasta coated with sauce. The key to pasta this transcendent is a sauté pan. That's what the pros use to cook almost-done pasta and sauce together—until there's pomodoro clinging to every bite of bucatini, until each raviolo is lacquered with sage-flecked brown butter. It's a unified, flavor-packed dish, not a bowl of noodles with a bunch of sauce dumped on top. To make your own restaurant-worthy pasta, grab a sauté pan (use one that's either 10" or 12" in diameter) and get started.

2. Build the Foundation. At its most basic, a pasta sauce requires just a handful of ingredients and 20 minutes of cooking time. To make a classic pan sauce, heat olive oil, sauté garlic, add a vegetable or two and then—here's the important part—a generous amount of pasta water. The starchy water and oil simmer together, forming the foundation of a sauce. We love a long-simmered ragu, but this is the technique we return to again and again.

Related: Bon Appetit's Favorite Pasta Recipes

3. You're not using nearly enough salt. Add a small handful of kosher salt to a pot of boiling water, then drop in the pasta. The noodles absorb water as they cook, so you're actually seasoning the interior of an otherwise bland starch. Mark Ladner, executive chef at Del Posto in New York City, says the water should taste "almost as salty as seawater." For Ladner, that's about 1 Tbsp. salt for every quart of water, but you don't have to be so particular—just throw it in there.

4. Don't dump the pasta water. Starchy, salty pasta water is the secret ingredient in most sauces. Scoop out some of the cloudy water (it's supposed to look like that) with a coffee mug or measuring cup, and pour a few splashes into the sauce. Save the rest; you might need more than you'd expect. Then simmer until the water and oil emulsify and begin to form a slightly creamy sauce. It's a little like deglazing a pan with stock or wine, a simple step that gives a dish body and flavor.

Sila baca artikel penuh di sini.

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