Sunday 5 June 2011

My New Bike

I got a new bike! Yeayyy!

It is a second hand bike, but I don't mind. This is almost exactly the model I wanted before masa pergi bike shop kat puchong I saw one Japan model with birght yellow frame. But of course the brand new unit is pricey... RM500 tu kira mahal lah for me. I'm not sure how much hubby paid for this 2nd hand unit, maybe half of the brand new price. It came via courier service bacuse he bought it online from some bike shop kat mana ntah utara ke selatan I don't know.

It doesn't matter that the bike is black. I don't really care anymore what colour it is for as long as it is light. My yellow bike dulu tu framenya besar dan berat. At least the black one tersangat ringan tidaklah membebankan kaki nak mengayuh. Rodanya kurus compared to the yellow ones, tebal bagak tu pasal berat.
Chipped handles but doesn't matter boleh tukar lain nanti. Tak tukar pun takpe, tak menjejaskan kelajuan pun haha.

I took the bike for a ride ke kedai depan rumah pagi tadi. Selesa. Penuhlah bakul depan basikal dengan barang shooping ikan sayur semua. Haha next time senang nak ke kedai. Dan the best thing is that kakak boleh kayuh hantar Fahmi ke kelas agama sebab kat belakang ada tempat duduk pembonceng. Itu sebab utama saya minta basikal baru, bukan untuk saya semata-mata but more for Fahmi's convenience, Kesian kat dia jalan kaki pergi kelas agama dalam panas terik. Sampai naik hitam berkarat anak saya tu, kadang-kadang bila hari hujan dia terpaksa skip kelas. Now insyaAllah no more jalan kaki for him.


  1. arghh...semalam baru beli basikal dekat yaya...terpaut hati kat satu basikal raleigh nieh...emm..kena angkut jugak satu..ehheheh

  2. angkut jgn tak angkut hehe. err hujung minggu sibuk meniaga sempat ke kayuh beskal tu? ;-)
