Monday 19 September 2011

And Now They Are Gone...

While they were here the whole weekend they keep my house lively with their antics
They keep my children in company, so Fahmi and Yaya tak terasa bosan sebab their daddy had to work whole weekend sampai takde masa nak entertain them
They keep me busy in the kitchen cooking all their favourite food - they bullied me!
Diaorang minta saya masak macam-macam which saya cuma indulge making them chicken chop, fish n chips, fruit pastry, macaron dan kuih muih
Just one thing saya tak buat - lasagna! sebab tak larat dah asyik duduk kat dapur sampai kecut jari saya
Sampai I put my baking cravings on hold
I indulged all their request so that bila perut mereka kenyang dan satisfied mereka boleh sambung be happy and hyper all day long they don't bother me so much
Tapi terlalu hyper sampai tiap malam saya kena jadi jam loceng paksa mereka tidur

They turn my house upside down, they have no limits... bilik saya pun jadi tempat berkubang.
Haisyyy nasib incik hubby wasn't home most of the time... hehehe

But now they are gone
I send them home petang semalam selepas hujan reda
Itupun si kecik Mina merungut tak nak balik
She said belum rindu lagi nak balik, dia seronok duduk kat rumah saya
Yelah seronok sebab boleh bermain non stop tapi bila Fahmi & Yaya goes back to school nanti bosan pulak
Pandai pulak dia menjawab takpe boleh duduk kat rumah dengan maid saya
Saya tersentuh sedikit, how lucky and fortunate my children are they have their mama and daddy and kakak to look after them, siapkan baju sekolah, kasut, makan dan minum
While their cousins semua siapkan sendiri, makan pun asal apa yang ada jelah coz their mama is so busy seorang diri uruskan rumah, anak-anak and work lagi - maid dah takde

I owe them so much sebab while they were here both my children tak terasa lack of parents attention
Kalaulah diaorang takde rasanya Fahmi & Yaya would have driven me nuts sebab saya seorang diri kena entertain mereka
Anak baru 2 dah tak larat nak layan. Mana taknya diaorang cuti 3 hari straight Jumaat sampai Ahad, it was a long weekend kalau takde aktiviti sure diaorang boring - mulalah whining, fighting, shouting etc
Saya pulak Sabtu kena sambung kerja. Mujur their cousins ada tak payah saya bawa anak-anak ukur jalan except heret mereka attend open house di malam hari
otherwise, duduk kat rumah je pun diaorang dah happy sebab ada kawan

And now they are gone, rindu pulak eh?
We will do this again next time ye kids!

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