Friday 23 December 2011

An Evening To Remember

Allahuakbar. Dah masuk petang ni mulut tak boleh berhenti menguap
Huh! Baru tau mengantuk ye?
Malam tadi stay up late bergalak sakan dengan girlfriends tak rasa penat ye?
Ketawa je sepanjang masa, camewhoring non-stop (whoa I never knew I'd use the word one day, enjoy je ye hehehe

The euphoria of last night lingers
met some cyber friends who shared the same interest
together with a new and fast rising writer (a novelist)
bayangkan I've never done this before ~
no.1 going out with ladies friends - the last time I went out with a girlfriend was a couple of months after I got married
no.2 meeting some big name - oh yeah I had my fair share of meeting big names before from the entertainment line - actors, actresses, singers, but all on business meetings not leisure
tapi kali ini berbeza sangat
feel honoured dapat berjumpa dengannya berkongsi pengalaman dan bercerita
ternyata dia seorang yang sangat merendah diri
and my cyber friends... they are awesome!

Seronoknya dapat berjumpa sampaikan berjalan pun tak ingat arah
nak ke restoran the Gardens pergi jalan turun ke basement! kahkahkah
well, you can't blame me, it was my first time pergi the Curve okeh!
It was hillarious and I enjoyed every moment
Alhamdulillah... I shall treasure this moment forever
InsyaAllah till we meet again


  1. Kenangan terindah eh?

    Siapakah novelis itu... hmmm?

  2. kak azie,
    hehehe utk org yg x biasa buat kerja berjumpa face to face dgn cyberfriends ni semuanya indah belaka!
    sy berjumpa novelis yg kulit novelnya ada di entry saya dan akak! ;-)
