Thursday 19 January 2012

When It Rains

Heavy rain came down pouring for two mornings in a row
luckily it came when I've already settled down in the office
else I would be caught in the traffic jam

I love when it rains
rain have sentimental effects on me
brings back memories of the rainy days during my childhood years
days when me and my siblings took off our shirts leaving only panties or shorts on
and then we would dive ke dalam kepungan air hujan yang berkumpul di atas lantai depan rumah
because we were living on the 4th floor of a government flat house
we lack the opportunity to run wild in the rain
but that didn't stop us from enjoying the rain
we make do with running and diving di kaki lima selebar 5 kaki depan rumah
sebab kami tinggal di tingkat paling atas jadi air hujan masuk mencurah-curah
pintu rumah harus ditutup rapat if not banjir pulak dalam rumah! ;-)
some experience yang anak-anak saya belum rasai... mungkinkah akan?

there is a song "Rain, rain go away... come again another day, little johnny wants to play"
but for me I would never want the rain to go away
sebab saya suka duduk tepi tingkap bila hujan
dengar bunyi rain drops - leka and really soothing
tapi bila kat ofis ni tak dapatlah nak menikmatinya
cepat-cepat matikan aircond, kalau tidak boleh menggigil macam orang parkinson!

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