Tuesday 28 February 2012

He Has Allergic Rhinitis

Fahmi is down with forever, due to jangkitan pada tonsil nya
I should have known, but he didn’t complained of sakit tekak, susah nak telan ke, so I thought dia cuma demam biasa sebab terkena hujan
Semalam kan hujan sepanjang petang – on and off, and he did went out to play just before the rain started to pour again
Ada juga dia cakap tak selera makan… I should have pick up the cue tapi saya leka!

Brought him to see the doctor pagi semalam, dapat antibiotik and I also consulted the doctor pasal Fahmi berhingus sepanjang masa – sepanjang tahun to be precise!
Pelik kan? I don’t remember a day without me nagging him to blow his nose
Kesian sangat kat dia sebab hidung dia selalu comot… hilang kehenseman, kalau orang tengok pun sure orang kata kotornya lah ... anak sapa ni?
Saya tau Fahmi pun tak larat dah nak blow his nose sepanjang masa, saya pun tak larat dah dengar dia dok srotttt sretttt dan comot… sakit mata
Tapi nampak gayanya saya kenalah bersabar untuk tempoh yang lebih lama lagi
Coz according to the doctor, he has what they called allergic rhinitis yang bukan disebabkan oleh allergen
In his case it is heredity… it’s in his blood and we are back again to the fact that my children ada mild asthmatic symptoms
They got it from ME! Sebab I was once penghidap asthma … long time ago when I was a kid
So, there’s nothing much I can do, it is not caused by allergen so takde apa-apa that I can do to or avoid or keep him away from
The doctor can only prescribed him with antihistamine, which he has to take everyday – every morning to help control his runny nose, but he has to take them untuk satu tempoh yang lama to see the result
Saya rasa frust sangat… frust dan tidak berdaya
his condition no doubt is affecting his quality of life, pity my boy
tak puas hati, there must be something we can do about his alahan


  1. Aduhai kesiannya. Lebih sedih bila kita tahu itu berpunca dari kita, kan? Tapi rasanya, jika terus mendapat nasihat dari doktor, pasti penyakit dapat dikurang dan mungkin boleh diatasi suatu hari nanti.

  2. insyaAllah kak masih ada usaha dgn izinNya ;-)
